nothin' but the rain, sir

Mar 16, 2009 09:30

So I didn't disappear on purpose or anything, I've been in a BSG-induced coma. I'm almost completely caught up - I have only 4x18 & 4x19 to watch and then I can enjoy the finale with all of you which I'm very much looking forward to. If my brain can handle it. It's been a lot to ingest in a short period of time - it's not exactly a fun, happy show so there's that and the technobabble and the sitting for hours and the just NEEDING to finish because OMG I HAD TO GET TO THE END or I would be a failure...yeah.

I have LOTS to say. LOTS. And I will very soon. But today is not the day. I'm on this new medicine for the migraines and I'm all kinds of wonky woo but I wanted to maybe get some kind of discussion going in comments or something. So I'm going to ask some questions/make comments and maybe we can talk that way because it's easier on my brain and my fingers :)

1. TIGH. In any form, he is my most favorite and I LURVE him. HOGAN FTW.
2. Starbuck. Discuss.
3. EJO - Awesome, sure. But sometimes chews the scenery? BUT sometimes SHOULD? MY BRAIN. HELP.
4. Mary McFRAKKINDonnell
5. HELO/Why is Tahmoh so hot? (Why couldn't Dollhouse be better so he could be on my tv all the time??!)
6. What the hell is wrong with Boomer??!?
7. Ellen - cool for one episode and then sucks all over again?
9. Why couldn't they make a better fat suit for Lee?
10. Why Dualla why?!?!
11. I hate Tory.
12. What the hell is wrong with Chief?@!?!
13. I love Gaius Baltar. I don't even care. I said it.
14. Oh, Gaeta. Stupid, stupid, one-legged Gaeta.
and I need one
15. The beauty that is Laura and Bill

Talk to me! I'm so excited to have almost watched it all and I'm dying to discuss it with all of you finally :)

tv: bsg

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