grr argh

Feb 18, 2009 11:06

The only good thing about Dollhouse? Seeing the little ME guy again. Hi, little buddy!

I have been besieged with migraines. I had four last week so the blinding torment and pain kept me away from the computer as much as I could be. I'm over the whole thing. It's not like I leave work and go home to fangirl out or anything. I go home, lie on the couch with a cold cloth and hope for no noise or light so my eyeballs don't leak out of my head. I'm officially over it.

Something else I'm over? The Jeep! We called the other one Limon because it was green and a lemon and so we are now affectionately referring to the Liberty as Liiiiib Lemon! - just like that, btw. Very Oprah on 30 Rock. So that little fucker Liiiib Lemon! has cost me about $700 in the last 2 weeks (luckily, the water pump was half covered so I did receive a check for $250 yesterday). The water pump went the morning we were leaving for VT - I (jeez) luckily had to go to work and so we broke down there and not on some random road somewhere. After we got that fixed - the pump and some belt thingy - the check engine light came on AGAIN and so I brought it back last week and they replaced the spark plugs. So then Monday, guess what decided to turn on? Yup, the GD check engine light. So D. dropped off today - but my question is - do I get my $$ back for the spark plugs since that wasn't THE ACTUAL PROBLEM!?!?!?!!! Or at least have the $130 pushed towards what fee this will end up costing me? If I didn't have the warranty, it would be $1500 so hopefully, the majority is covered and I'll just have to pay the $100 deductible. That would be nice. Anyone have a rocket launcher? I won't tell.

So I will be working from home tomorrow - which is nice because I get a lot more done. They'll have the car for a week and hopefully, I can use D.'s mom's car. She goes in for her hysterectomy on Monday so... Lots of stuff happening. Most of it borders on sucking, actually.

I do want to discuss Dollhouse a little more in-depth (although I don't feel there's much to say other than a general MEH feeling to the whole lot of it) but I'm curious about what the general consensus is.

Must get back to work. At some point, this turned into some kind of JOB where they expect me to EARN my money. Good lord, does anyone else want anything from me?!?!

tv: dollhouse, the suck: cars, tmi: health, tmi: life

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