Dec 18, 2005 14:06
-- spell your name backwards: rehtaeh
-- have you ever had a song written about you: nope
-- what song makes you cry: "we belong together" by mirah carrey made me cry after john and I had a fight and I thought we were going to break up.
-- what song makes you happy: "Angels Wings" by Social Distortion
-- what's your all time fav. song?: "of All The Gin Joints In All The World" by fallout boy
-- what do you listen to before you go to sleep: John on the phone :-)
-- hair color: brown
-- piercings: both ears
-- tattoos: none for the moment
Right Now . . .
--what color pants are you wearing: jeans, so blue
-- what song are you listening to: "of All The Gin Joints In All The World" by fallout boy
--What taste is in your mouth?: mac and cheese
--Whats the weather like?:rain rain rain rain!!!
--How are you?: lonely :-( I miss my Johnles (he was up at his gramdma's this weekend, so i haven't seen him yet)
--Get motion sickness?: nope, not even when I read
--Have a bad habit?: I pull pieces of skin off my lips (it's sounds really gross, but it's not)
--get along with your parents: most of the time
--Boyfriend/girlfriend: johnles sama-fuckin'-rron! :-D
--Have a current crush: my johnles :-)
--Have a big regret: I guess
--TV show: cold case files
--Conditioner: dove
--Book: the da vinci code, and angels and demons (my favorite books ever!)
--Alchohol drink: none
--Things to do on the weekend: same thing I do every day, cuddle and hang out with John :-)
Have You Ever . . .
--Broken the law: just little retarded things (mostly when driving)
--Ran away from home: yepp
--Snuck out of the house: yepp
--Ever gone skinny dipping: nope
--Made a prank phone call: yepp
--Tipped over a portapotty: nope
--Used your parents credit card: just online, and they knew about it
--Skipped school before: yepp!!
--Fell asleep in the shower/bath: almost, but no
--Been in a school play: nope
--Had children: not yet. I'm a preschool teacher for 2 year olds, that's plenty of kids for me for right now!! lol
--Been in love: I'm in love with John right now :-D
--Had a hard time getting over someone: like a boyfriend? no
--Been hurt?: many times
Random . . .
--Have a job: two actually.
--Your cd player has what in it right now: on the comp. fallout boy, in the car S2S2 ;-)
--If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: beige (i'm kinda plane...)
--What makes you happy?: Johnles
--The next CD you're going to buy: james blunt (he's hella good!
When/What Was the Last . . .
--You got a real letter: never..?
--Got an email: I don't know, I haven't checked in a while..
--Last thing you purchased: a new copy of da vinci code
--Tv program you watched: Animal Icon: King Kong
--Movie you saw in the theaters: romeo and juliette (the one with claire danes and leonardo decaprio)
--Song heard: "of All The Gin Joints In All The World" by fallout boy
--Place you were [ besides home ]: I was at work this morning
--Phone call: last night, with John
--You were depressed: last week.. I think?
--You were in the hospital: at the hospital or in the hospital? IN never, AT the week before halloween
Do you think you are...
--pretty? nope
--funny? sometimes
--hot? nope
--friendly? if I'm not too shy to actually talk to someone
--loveable? always :-b
--caring? with my jobs, you have to be!
--sweet? for the most part
--dorky? lol yepp
--Name: Heather Mary Storton
--Birthdate: 08/15/87
--Birthplace: Mountain View, CA
--Righty or Lefty: righty
--Zodiac Sign: Leo
--The Shoes You Wore Today: uggz type boots
--Your Weakness: I'm VERY quiet
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: I dunno
--Your first thoughts waking up: I want to sleep more!! (I love sleep)
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes, and face
--Your bedtime: when i go to bed
--Pepsi or Coke: diet coke
--McDonald's or Burger King: neither
--Single or Group Dates: single
--Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
--Cappucino or coffee: cappucino
--Do you smoke?: nope
--Cuss?: wwaayyy too much!
--Sing Well?: I dunno?
--Want to go to college: no, but I do
--Liked High School?: not at all!! (accept for meeting John during high school :-D)
--Want to get married?: yepp, to my Johnles
--Type with fingers on the right keys: I dunno?
--Think you're attractive: every now and then, but not often
--Think you're a health freak: kinda, but not really
--Like Thunderstorms: love them
The PAST MONTH, did/have you
--Consumed Alchohol: nope
--Have Sex: maybe :-b
--Go To the Mall: yeah
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: lol no
--Eaten Sushi: nope
--Gone Skating: nope
--Made Homemade cookies: nope
--Dyed your hair: nope, but I need to
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yepp, it's call "the foreplay game." Just kidding! nope, I never have
--Been intoxicated: nope
--Been caught "doing something"?: nope
--Been Called a "Tease": not for a while, so not in the past month
--Shoplifted?: nope, I never have
--Age you hope to be married?: 22
--How do you want to die?: in my sleep
--Where do you want to go to college?: I dunno
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: i dunno