she says it's right out of the blue

Mar 06, 2009 10:09

+ Big Bang signups are going WELL. They don't even close until the 27th, and if even half of the people who've signed up so far submit something, we'll have upwards of a million words of new Hermione fic. O_O And there is het of many pairings, femslash, crossovers, gen, everything. (Although, florahart supposes that we're going to need personal sanity consultants before it's done, when it comes to actually running this thing. Needless to say, as it's a Hermione fest, there is already a spreadsheet forming in order to keep it all straight. With tabs. And different colors.

+ We'd love more betas, cheerleaders, and artists as well as authors -- so by all means head over if you want.

Additionally, I promise to keep my rambles about all this to one post a week at most. ;)

+ I've been compiling more Merlin recs, and tossing around the idea of a rare pair recsletter, or something -- in the vein of Quibbler Report? I'm just not sure I'd have the time to maintain something like that. Just a thought. For now, I'll go ahead and post another recs list like normal, probably next week -- or just add to my first one.

+ Welcome to new friends! Feel free to add me on Twitter if you want. And hugs to everyone who needs them today. Special hugs go to superioritea, lesemma and cloverdew; I hope your weekends turn out wonderful. ♥

merlin, flist, hermione big bang, random, writing

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