+ Mad Men is the best show on television.
+ UNRELATEDLY, I am watching Xena at the moment. I couldn't say why, you'd have to ask
fiiishy; she's the one who put visions of Gwen and Morgana: WARRIOR PRINCESSES in my head.
Anyway, I haven't seen this show in years, and it is even slashier than I remembered. Not surprising considering that I was v. v. young and without slash goggles at the time, and I STILL SAW IT. It's the first episode and Xena and Gabrielle are already in love. Gabrielle doesn't want to stay with dull boring betrothed!guy, she wants to go with Xena and she doesn't even care where! ♥
(Also, this guy appearing in the first episode is Chase from Legend of the Seeker. His name in this is Draco, and he was hot.)
+ In other news, screw the US House of Representatives for buying historic health care legislation at the price of reproductive rights. WAY TO THROW US UNDER THE BUS, ASSHOLES.
most random post ever, y/y?