The Vag Fest is back! Girl-centric, het and femslash only, any fandom. I haven't had time to read, write, or even leave prompts for it yet, but I'll get to it. :P
blackmamba_esq made an Angel Coulby comm!
angel_coulby. I hadn't realised until now how sad I was that everyone in the cast had one but her. ♥
+ And while I'm pimping,
beyond_camelot. Because everyone needs to write fic about Aglain now. Oh right, and obscure Arthurian characters that need to be Merlinized. (One day I will let the Colin Salmon thing go. Today is not that day.)
LOLtastic review for Merls 2x03. IDK, it made me feel better.
I mean, Gaius and I are still fucking done professionally, but I'm less bewildered by the ep than I was on Saturday. It was good; it's more that I'm not ready for things to go bad yet! Also I think I'm able to take it less seriously when it isn't trying to deal with Heavier Things, because once it starts doing that, I think about it more, and thinking too much about this show is inadvisable. And it's just, Merlin pretends to be all subversive, but as far as I can tell everything's unfolding according to plan. I just really hoped that Merlin and Morgana could be magical allies and pretty, pretty lovers and be sparkly together for a while, but as it is, how can she do anything BUT go "evil" when she finds out about this? She's so trusting of him, that's the painful thing. Also, she was going to leave, she was going to leave EVERYONE, even Gwen - GWEN. How depressing is that? *clings to everyone* And the morality in this show, so arbitrary! Everyone was douchey/murderous/narcissistic/hypocritical/criminally stupid this week. It should be on HBO, then I could believe that it was intentionally fucked up and Merlin could be properly dark. And everything could be settled with orgies. Oh, show. ♥ I can't help loving you anyway, I can't even deal. Plus Lancelot's coming back to have cage fights and compose sonnets to Gwen or whatever it is that dashing romantic foils get up to these days. ALSO MORGANA HALF NAKED IN A WOOD WITH GWEN AND SWORDS. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND. ♥♥♥
+ Inell's trying to get me to try
bridge2sickbay. She says I can write drabbles within 30-minute time constraints. Isn't that sweet, that she thinks I can do that? ILHER. ♥ Still, I'm considering it, because it looks like fun.
+ Dollhouse Friday was... hm. I don't know what to say about it right now.
+ Okay, back to work with me. I hope everyone's getting their weeks off to a good start. Eventually I will post about something non-fannish. ♥