Myspace Top 12 :-DWho are your Lucky Top 12?1?:Sarah 2..:Bridget 3?:Amy 4?:S.B. 5?:Dave 6?:Nicole 7?:Drew 8?:Stefanie 9?:Kristen 10?:Stephanie 11?:Keebs 12?:Tim ~Number 1~ :-DIs this person your best friend?:She is my sister :-) Do you know everything about them?:Yes Why is this person number 1?:uhh because i wanted her there? How long have you known this person?:since June 5, 1991 Whats the funnest thing you've ever done with this person?:haha we are dorks all the time so i dont know What does this person do best?:listens Do you love him/her?:yup Number 2!*How did you meet this person?:um, probably band Are you two close?:yes What does this person do for a 'living'?:haha ask her :-P What do you love most about this person?:she is down to earth and its always fun to be around her...she is just a good person in general How old is this person?:17 ~Numero Tres!~*Where does this person work?:yes Does this person have a cell phone?:yes If so do you talk to them alot on it?:no What kind of music do they listen to?:all different kinds Do you love this person?:mmhmm BIG DEAL '07 :-) ~Person 4~lady or gentlemen?:lady what color eyes does this person have?:green How long have you two been friends?:since middle school Do you care about this person?:yes Are they fun?:haha deffinately -Friend 5-tall or short?:taller than me loud or quiet?:both...depends on where we are...but he is oud a lot of the times :-P outgoing or shy?:outgoing how about photogenic?:you're gorgeous dave do you love them?:yes i do !*!*The 6th Person!*!*~*Does this person like to party?:she is a party! Do you hang out with this person alot?:yea What kind of person are they?:outgoing, fun, smart, is that what they are asking? one good memory?:haha nicole trying to back out of bridgets driveway in between my car and another car and missing my car by about an inch. hahaha So how about that Number 7..Do you like this person alot?:yea Whats the last thing you did with them?:drove him home from school Do you go to school with them?:^^ Do you have any classes with him/her?:just band Is this person beautiful?:haha drew is hawt hahahahaha Number 8!!!!!!Is this person in school?:yes If yes what grade?:12 Is this person single?:yes What are they good at?:music, music, music, wii, music...did i miss anything? haha Are they fun to be around?:yes she is Numero NueveIs this person Amazing?:yupp Do they have a good spirit?:yea she is always laughing What kind of music do they listen to generally?:all different kinds When did you last hang out with this person?:monday What does this person want to do for a career?:something in chemistry And into the Double Digits.. Friend 10!Where does this person live?:Baldwinsville Do you see them alot?:not enough Do you talk with them alot?:not enough :-( what do they like in a guy or girl?:she has a boyfriend so i guess you could look at him Are they a party animal?:of course 'Hats off to number 11'Is this person Tall?:again, taller than me Do they live somewhere constantly warm or seasonal?:seasonal Do they talk alot?:not really What is there life goal?:i really dont have a clue Is this person a guy or a girl?:guy And then Finally.. The best person on your top 12.. Number 12 themself!Guy or Gal?:guy Is he/she good looking?:i guess Friendly?:yes Whens the last time you talked to them?:actually i saw him in the hall yesterday Do they have any goofy qualities?:no...but hes a very good singer/actor GeneralWhos your BESTEST friend out of these 12?: Best Singer?:Tim (12) Best Dresser?:Kristen (9) Most innocent?:probably my sister (1) Are any of them Gay or Bisexual?:yes Which the most easily satisfied?:i dont know laid back?:Bridget (2) open minded?:im gonna have to go with Bridget again can get along with anyone?:all of them get along with everyone pretty well i think eats the most food?:haha i dont know...they all love food Who do you...Call the most?: always hang out with?:all of them know everything about?:sarah (1) tell everything to?:sarah (1) Who..makes you laugh the most?:i laugh with all of them comforts you in your darkest hour(s)?:sarah (1) gives the best hugs?:umm dave i guess? haha has the most boyfriends/girlfriends?:i really dont know... could you call on nomatter what?:any of always here for my friends do you do the craziest stuff with?:haha probably S.B. Kristen Stef Nicole Dave Amy or Bridget lives more than a hundred miles from you?:none of them Random QuestionsDoes number 10 eat meat?:most meats What celebrity does person 8 remind you most of?:hmm ive never really thought of that...but ill make her happy and say the girl that plays Christine in Phantom Does person 9 have alot of crushes?:no i dont think so Have you ever watched a movie with number 4?:yea Ever had a conversation with number 2's parents?:yup Is friend number 1 athletic?What does friend 3 excel in?:dance, making people laugh Will you always be there for person 7 no matter what?:yea *Finishing Touches*Who was the last person on your top 12 you saw?:Sarah (1)...i live with her duhhh haha Talked to?:^^ Missed the most?:Stephanie(10) If you could go back to any time you had with person 11 what would it be?:i dont know Who will you probably talk to next?:probably sarah (1) Who is the most maternal?:haha umm based on a conversation i had today im going to say kristen or amy Who is the most -Handsome-?:Dave! Did you hang out with anybody on your Top 12 this past weekend?:yeaaa Who do you want to see the most right now?:Stephanie...its been a while since ive hung out with her Do you give Number 6 the benefit of the doubt?:yea? Do you care deeply about *EVERYONE* on your Top 12?:yes Would you sit around a camp fire all night with any 1 of your top 12?:yea What is the Date and time right now?:2/7/07 5:25 PM
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