Sep 05, 2005 23:38
For the first time today, in a couple months I got a little dose of what kept me sick for so long at the end of spring & beginning of summer. My dad and I cooked out. He did the cooking; I did the eating. I was doing dishes afterwards, and all the sudden I felt the undeniable feeling in my stomach that you know is going to send you running to the toilet, and that I did. Probably no more than 10 minutes after eating lunch, and a piece of apple pie for dessert, I had my lunch go straight through me, and damn did I feel bad. It just kind of made me cringe b/c I do not want to go through want I went through so long, again. Hopefully I won't make a habit of having these episodes again for long periods of time b/c that would just suck. It was probably just a fluke or least it better. All I know is when I ate my dinner, my stomach started hurting really bad, but didn't send me running to the bathroom (thankfully). However, I got really nauseated and couldn't eat anymore between the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and the nausea. Again it just makes me cringe.
This after a night of hell last night at work, where I finally broke down and asked the charge nurse to not put me with the nurse I was working w/ last night and have been working with, since I've been back on weekends, for at least a couple weeks to give me a break from her. We may have 7 patients between us, and I get 4 and she gets 3. First, of all I'm only supposed to take 3. I usually only take 4, if I have an easy patient assignment, and the nurse has 4 as well, or has a really sick patient requiring alot of time. However, I've been getting the complicated, time-involved patients, and have been running my ass off from the time I get out of report until 1 or 2am, before I finally have to take a lunch break, just b/c I get so weak by that time & tired from constantly running my ass off. This nurse she takes 3 patients, that are the easiest of the 7 we have between us, and sits and chats, plays video games, and takes 30 min. smoke breaks, and she also doesn't ask if I need help. All the other nurses I've worked with do, and even the nurses I don't, usually ask me if I need help, but not her. I'm just tired of feeling shitted on with my patient assignments. I made the comment that I hoped we had easy patients the other night, so I could work on some assigments for school that are due tomorrow, and this nurse made the comment to me, we'll we come here to work. I kind of got smart with her, and I told her I work my ass off everynight I work. And, it's the god to honest truth. I work damn hard for my money, while she sits on her ass, playing games on the computer, and takes anywhere from 3 to 5, 30 minute smoke breaks a night. She is never there when I need her for something b/c she is freakin' smoking! GRRR!
Oh, so I had to work w/ this person last night, and I was only on my floor for four hours, and had to float to another floor for the rest of the 8 hours. She still gives me 4 patients on which I'm running my ass of like crazy to get everything done on, before I have to give up my patients at 11pm, and go to this other floor. I usually don't like floating on this other floor, but was happy as heck to get off my usual floor last night and away from that nurse before I told her off. The nurses I was working with on this other floor were really nice, but man did we have a fucked up morning. One of the patients I was helping care for had a heart attack this morning. We paged the doctor to let them know this patient was complaining of chest and shoulder pain and they wouldn't call us back. We kept paging and paging. In the meantime, we ended up doing an EKG on this lady b/c she said the pain she was having was exactly like the pain she had when she had her heart attack 3 years ago. The doctors still haven't called back, so the nurse went ahead and gave some nitroglycerin tablets (3 of them) to this lady, and it didn't help at all, and in fact her pain was getting worse. So then she gave this lady morphine. By the time we were able to talk to the doctor, he wouldn't even write the orders for what we did. Hell, when he came up to see her, he walked in, and walked right back out, and said she is not having a heart attack, and she isn't in that much pain. BULLSHIT! This was close to a hour, after she started having the pain and was still having it. He wouldn't look at her EKG. He wouldn't write orders. He denied that she could be having a heart attack, and damnit, I'm sorry but patient knows best, if they had one before they pretty much know what it is like. So yeah, we ended up drawing some cardiac markers on this lady, after calling dick head's boss to get that order for that, and yes, she did indeed have a heart attack. Should we have done the stuff we did for that lady without an order for the nitroglycerin, morphine, and EKG? I don't know. But, the morphine seemed to finally kick in this morning and control things, after the nitroglycerin had been given, and she was still living this morning.
Now the lady in the room right next door to this lady who had the heart attack, was running blood sugars in the 40's during the night. We got an order to push some dextrose on her, and it only brought it up to the 60's, and we have call orders to call on anything below 70 b/c that's really getting pretty damn low. Then the same doctor that was a dick head ordered that we not check her blood sugar until 6am, and the last time it had been checked was 1am. I knew she would be REALLY LOW this morning. Yeah...she was very hard to wake up. You want to know why? Her blood sugar was only 24!!! Dumb ass doctors. Anyways, we pushed even more dextrose and it finally brought her up to where she needed to be. Thank goodness.
I also watched dumbass doctor try to start a central line on a patient last night. Yeah, he tried 3 different times, and couldn't get it. The nurse asked him to stop. He wouldn't listen to the nurse when she said that the patient needed numbed some more. The patient was in really bad pain, in fact I could barely stand to be in the room to see how much pain she was in. THE PATIENT asked the doctor to stop and said no more sticks or anything, and he wouldn't listen.
So yeah...dumbass doctor got written up this morning. I hope dumbass doctor gets fired!