Jun 10, 2006 18:04
-paint & supplies: check
-furniture refinished: almost
-chairs reupholstered: getting there
-packed: erm, not really
-champagne to christen our new place: check
-appointment with lawyer: check
-final inspection: done
-money in place for closing: check
-family and friends to help us prepare our new home: a plenty
Today was buy stuff day. I like buy stuff day. Our kitties got some new scratching devices & treats and a new pooping dome-home... woohoo exciting! We got like $300 worth of paint to make our house purdy, a fandangled staple-gun for my reupholstering adventures... and some groceries.. I am currently making a roast and it smells fantastic!
Um yeah I don't update this very often... I don't really feel a need to come by livejournal often anymore. I read all my friends journals though... which is mainly why I keep it.
Anyhoo.. what else is new? Brian has a new girlfriend.. which is super-hella-wicked awesome and Tim and I are super happy for him... we're just wondering if we ever get to meet her.. ;)
We've been spending a lot of downtime playing this game on our DS called "Brain Age" it makes you really smart. We also got Mariokart DS and The New Super Mario Bros. and I got a Nightmare Before Christmas game... good times on the damned hell-ass commute everyday... I can't wait to live downtown!
Anyhoo.. I should go.. gotta eat my gourmet dinner and mayhaps give Michelle a call.. then to the chairs... oh the chairs how they better looked sweet when I'm done.