To whomever I had the argument about these shows:
I was right!
My Secret Identity is the one where the boy (Jerry O'Connel) has super speed and other powers but has to hide them from everyone. and Out of This World was the show where the girl with super powers when she put her fingers together. She had an alien dad, if I'm not mistaken he could talk to her through a crystal ball sort of thing and like the link says, looks like a rubiks cube. AAAAAAAAAAANNND I'm not sure if this is the same person, but I also win the following argument:
Today's Special is the show with the manequin that came to life when you put his hat on and said the magic words hocus pocus alla ma gokus. The show had Sam, a puppet security guard, and muffie a giant mouse puppet. Pinwheel is a completely different show. It had a reporter on it or something to that effect that ran "The Daily Noodle" newspaper. Does anyone remember who it was that got both sets of shows mixed up? I can't remember who the heck it was that refused to admit I was right, and was really sensitive about the shows because they KNEW they were right. :-P