I have a confession to make. I'm addicted to flowers. I love them, and I've developed an obsession to gardening because of it.
I fell absolutely head over heels in love with my wedding flowers. I think that's what started it all. Then Home Depot started taunting me with bulbs. I planted some and lo & behold, they grew! It was amazing! I planted them and they weren't dead! Then Home Depot put more bulbs on clearance and I went bananas.
Those are 4 different colors of dahlias - 3 each, 2 colors of lilies - 9 each, 36 brodeia, and 50 freesia.
Keep in mind there were already 9 other dahlias in the ground from a month prior.
So... I got to it.
This is what I had made previously. Those are 4 dahlias, 2 salvias, and 2 of something else that I can't remember the name of. One of those dahlias is already 2 feet tall!!!!
Still can't remember what this is, but it's totally cute.
Yesterday I made this! Those are daylilies in the front, under a pre-existing plant of unknown variety. Dahlias & lilies are planted all along the side.
In the few months they'll look like THIS!!!!!
Another view of the back yard. The tall thing is an unknown but the stuff that's hanging on the fence is honeysuckle (omgyum).
We're replacing that path. The pile of bricks is going to become a fire pit. I didn't buy a single brick for these projects. We found them all in our yard!
And what's that sticking out in the sun behind Papu?
Elephant Ears!!!! They're going to get HUGE!!!!
Baby ones!
Also over by the elephant ears is this... Virginia Creeper, also known as the scourge of the earth, devil plant, and virgina fucking creeper.
Apparently 5% of the population is allergic to this vile menace, and will break out profusely in a poison ivy esque rash (except worse) if they come in contact with it.
I am, of course, one of that 5%. It SUCKED, let me tell you.
This was the back yard when we bought our house (Nov. 2007)
The back yard now.
Ken cleared all that brush and built the fence. The old fence was even with the big tree. There was a large gap in it too that we never knew about because there was so much crap back there. We also added about 4 extra feet to the depth of the yard to match up with everyone else's fences. Forgive the tall posts. Those are getting cut off soon.
I made planters for more lilies in the front yard too.
Our house before
Our house now. :)
I'm going to put iron window boxes up and that's what the freesia & brodeia will go in.
1940's mailbox that I ever so painstakingly restored
Henry car makes an appearance.
I painted the pots in the front (with yet more dahlias). I'm going to add some smaller ones soon. The pups helped.
Oh silly girl.
The back deck before.
and after! That's wysteria on the right corner. I'm going to plant it in the back somewhere eventually.
Oh this makes me so happy! I went to town painting these pots. Even the plastice ones with plants in them already!
We have: Tall dalia (eventually) burgundy dahlia on the back left, some kind of lily on the back right. That horse shoe leaning up against the black pot was dug up in our yard with all the brush. There haven't been horses out here since at least the 40's!!!! We also have: Multiple succulents, a yellow & red dahlia in the yellow pot, and our honorary garden gnome in that pot that we also found in the yard. The bricks were dug up too. One says "First Atlantic" the other says "H.W. Crown", and the one in the background says S.M.W.
I think this is called donkey's tail. It's my favorite succulent!
They are SO more intense in person.
Thanks for checking all that out guys. It's been rough, but I love doing it which is really surprising to me. I think I just like making our house look cool.