Title No Need To Say Goodbye
sallyblackwaterLength Multi-chaptered
Pairing Jun/Mao
Rating PG-13
Genre Drama, Romance, Crossover, Songfic, Action
Disclaimer I don't own anyone in this fic, nor I own the Hunger Games universe =(
Summary Mao thought she didn't have to worry about the Reaping anymore. This until the announcement of the hundredth edition of the Hunger Games, the fourth Quarter Quell....
Author's Notes If you're reading this because you're both an Arashian/Tinhatter and a Hunger Games fan, congratulations! You're awesome! xD Since it's a songfic, here's the song that inspired me:
The Call - Regina Spektor. There may be some mistakes due to the fact that English isn't my native language; if you find something that's wrong, feel free to tell me! The chapter is under a fake cut, a link to my journal's entry ^^ enjoy!
No Need To Say Goodbye - Chapter 1: I'll Come Back)