Title: days spent with you
Pairing: Ohno Satoshi/Katase Nana
Rating: PG
Words: 5,700~
Summary: AU. Ohno moves to a city where he all does is eat Nana’s French baguettes and spends his time fishing.
Author’s Note: This was written for
nicefinalbeam for JE White Day 2011. Much love to my awesome beta
frostbittenlove for inserting all the html tags and sending this to the mods on my behalf. I was on my way to Washington D.C. when this was due so she helped me with every step of the way. ♥
Warning: AU
"Have you caught any?" Title: Moving Forward
Pairing: Sakurai Sho/Horikita Maki
Rating: PG-13
Words: 5,208
Summary: A random message from Maki causes Sho to become an unwilling and miserable matchmaker, but he ends up moving forward to doing something entirely different.
Author’s Note: This was written for
literarylemming for JE White Day 2011. To my beta
frostbittenlove : Thank you for keeping me sane as I wrote this. ILU! ♥ To my other beta
yoshi09 : Thank you for putting up with my crazy emails and texts all the time, love. ♥
Warning: None
"Sometimes all Sakurai Sho needs a little push."