Title: Double the Trouble
Series: Forever Hearts
Character: Chinen Yuri, Mukoda Kaoru (OC), Yamada Ryosuke, Daiki Arioka, Yuto Nakajima, (well the entire Jump)
Rating: g for now
Genre: Romance, Friendship
Disclaimer: I own everything really....its all mine....except the Idols...obviously...
Summary: Jump’s most spoilt and attention-grabbing member finds his world turned upside down when he stumbles upon a curious café and an even a curious cast of characters within, especially a young waitress with a serious attitude problem. Both set up on a strange yet turbulent friendship and as they stumble upon each other in a dance face off…Chinen comes to the realization of his life….has he met his match?
Note: Warning....craziness of jump....
Chapter Nine)~*~(
Chapter Ten)~
(Chapter One)~*~
(Chapter Two)~*~
(Chapter Three)~*
~(Chapter Four)~*
~(Chapter Five)~
Chapter Six)*~ ~*(
Chapter Seven)*~ ~*(
Chapter Eight)*~
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