Rules and Guidelines:
1. I read 100 books or more in 2008.
2. I keep track of how many I read in this post.
3. I only record first time books .
4. I leave the entry public.
01. Stefan Zweig "The World Of Yesterday"
02. Sergei Dovlatov "The Zone"
03. K. Vonnegut "The Sirens of Titan"
04. K. Hamsun "Growth of the Soil"
05. K. Vonnegut "Breakfast of Champions"
06. H. Hesse "Steppenwolf"
07. V. Nabokov "Lolita"
08. C. Bukowski "Pulp"
09. G. G. Marquez "Love in the Time of Cholera"
10. E. M. Remarque "The Night in Lisbon"
11. Stefan Zweig "Nietzsche"
Nearest books on my to-read list:
Spengler "The decline of the west"
Salinger "The catcher in the eye"
Goethe actually re-read "Faust", I read it too young for the 1st time
Kafka "The metamorphosis"
More GG Marquez
A.N Tolstoy "The hyperboloid of engineer Garin"
Anais Nin "Delta of Venus"
Dovlatov "The compromise"