I'm back from Santa Fe. It was a nice change from home, but you certainly have to be one hell of a laid back person to live there. It was extremely chill.
From my entire trip, I guess this is what I absorbed from it all:
- Delta can suck a walrus penis;
- Atlanta has a million more beautiful men;
- New Mexico has a black population of about 13;
- Never eat from a park vendor;
- Florida needs New Mexican weather;
- The gangsters in NM are Mexicans;
- The cops smoke with the kids;
- Everyone there is so damn nice that it's scary;
- Santa Fe should be nicknamed "Pedophileville";
- I think I need a pair of cowboy boots now;
- You can blame the altitude for many things;
- My camera is outdated;
- I have a new acclaimed appreciation for the park.
so there was a suspicious item left on the plane from the prior flight. therefore, the fire department decided to play halloween a tad early this year and dress up in cute little silver spaceman suits to confiscate it.
in the airplane.
florida in aerial perspective.
the clouds almost seemed to me as another kingdom--but no sign of Jesus, sorry.
trash. that's exactly what you are. ; )
at the Five N' Dime.
no need to explain any further...
the ultimate camera whore in action.
so there was someone walking their goat in the park. not a dog, but a goat.
the new Patridge family decided to tour at the park I guess...
Goodbye New Mexico, Hello home. ♥