I've stolen this idea, but still.
I want to have a friends CLEAR OUT because I feel I dont know some of you very well. And there a few people I want to delete because I feel uncomfortable knowing they read it, and paranoia kicks in.
If you dont do the quiz, you will be deleted. I think it's a good idea of seeing who's actually bothered and isnt.
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2. age: 16
3. where on earth do you live: Scarborough
4. what makes you happy: Drawing and reaaally good movies
5. what have you been listening to lately: Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Reuben
6. do you enjoy reading my LJ: Yes, yes I do
7. if so, why: Because you're so interesting, a lot seems to happen in your life and it's nice to read about it. I sometimes want to give really excellent great advice, but, I cannot, because I am crappo at it, sowwie. *rambles*
8. interesting fact about you: My back garden was struck by lightening yesterday I think it was :o
9. are you in love at the moment: I quite like somebody, I don't think it's love yet though
10. favourite destination: Uh..I kinda like home, I like being at home in Scarborough, it's very peaceful, Yeah, I'm not adventurous
11. favourite quote: "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind" ?
12. will you post this in your LJ: Nopey :P
1. a movie: The Little Mermaid because I know most of the songs word for word :o Yeh I am a saddo :)
2. a book: A Child Called It because it's so sad
3. a band, song or album: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
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