Aug 05, 2004 21:24
Full name] Ashley Marie Schaeffer
[Date of birth] May 7th 1989
[Age] 15
[Sex] female
[Height] 5'5
[Location] Fallbrook...but in cardiff right now.
[Hair color] Dirty Blonde
[Eye color] Green/Blue
[Sexual perference] Male
[Pircings] Ears
[Tattoos] Someday
[Shoe size] 8 1/2
[Describe yourself in four words] Weird/Funny/Clumsy/horney
[Siblings] 2 Sisters 2 Brothers
. . .
[What do you think of cheerleading] sexy
[Of the people you've kissed, who was the worst kisser] Haha that's my little secret.
[Do you like pickles] yes!
[Do you watch porn] haha...yes.
[Do you have any pets] Dog
[Who are you gonna vote for?] Kerry Bitches.
[Do you have your own phone line] No I'm just not that cool.
[Your thoughts on abortion] if u cant take care of the baby and raise it right then im for it I'm a little of both.
[Do you like Britney Spears] sexyness
[What do you want to do with you life] Be Happy And A MILF
[Ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor] No
[Would you ever get plastic surgery? If so, on what] Yes!! Boobies!
[Biggest redneck you know] haha Not really redneck but sounds like one anthony
[Do you think foreign accents are sexy] some
[Do you like hot dogs] Not anymore after what i saw at kennys.
[Last time you went to the doctor] Last month
[Ever takin' ballet] yes..When i was 5
[Last time you used the restroom] This Morning.
[Most attractive person you know] JUSTIN. so hot.
[Color] Hot Pink
[Underwear] Thongs
[Coffee cup] Monkey cup not anymore after kenny pissed in it and smashed it into a million peices
[Curse word] Bitches
[Euphemism for sex] WHAT!!
LAST . . .
[CD you listened to] The Killers
[Person you called] Justin
[Person that called you] Matt
[Person you e-mailed] Mother
[Person who e-mailed you] Mother
[Person you kissed] Can't really Say...Probably Justin
[You have a boyf/girl] Kinda.
[You have a crush on someone] Yes
[You wish you could live somewhere else] Yeah Cardiff.
[You think of suicide] Yeah everyone has at some time
[Others find you attractive] Nope, Don't think so.
[You do drugs] nope
[You smoke] nope
[Like roller coasters] YES!
[You write in cursive] Nope
[Believe in love] Yes
[Believe in soul mates] Sure
[Believe in 'love at first sight'] Don't Know but sure.
[Believe in God] Yeah
[Ever cried over a boy] Yeah
[Ever lied to someone] Yes
[Ever been arrested] No
[Ever dated anyone who's in your LJ friend's list] Yes
[Ever considered dating anyone else on your LJ friend's list]Yes
[Kissed anyone on your LJ friend's list] Yes
[Ever been in a fist fight] Yeah, Dumb Bitch.
[Long-distance relationships] For
[Using someone] Against
[Suicide] For
[Killing people] Depends On what the person did.
[Doing drugs] Against
[Pre-marital sex] For
[The taste of blood] Against
WHAT . . .
[Are you scared of] Snakes, And Being alone For Ever.
[Is the most romantic season] Winter
[What are you like in relationships] I Would Say The Bitchy girlfriend.
[Times I've been in love] Twice
[Times I've have my heart broken] A Lot.
[Hearts I've broken] None I Hope
[Boys I've kissed] Like 3
[Girls I've kissed] One
[Of men I've slept with] None Of your business.
[Of women I've slept with] Does Sleeping By count..?
[Of continents I've lived on] One
[Of drugs taken illegally] One
[Of people I would classify as true-could-trust-with-my-life type friends] Three
[What's the best gift you've ever received] Love.
[What's the best concert you've ever attended] Warp Tour
[If you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick] That's A Hard One. But Sex.
[What's your favorite bad-for-you food] EVERYTHING.
[What rockstar/rock band would you be a permanent groupie for, no questions asked]Bright eyes
[Who would you lose/re-lose your virginity too, dead or living] Don't Really Know
[Are you a dog person or a cat person] Cat
[Favorite US city] San Diego
[Have you ever made out with more than one person in the same 24 hour period] No
[Have you ever had a romantic/sexual encounter with a rock star] No
[What is the craziest or stupidest thing you've ever done while drunk] Told My Mom.
[What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately] I Really don't care.
[Said 'I love you' and meant it] Yes
[Been to Florida] Ya
[California] Duh.
[Hawaii] Yeah
[Mexico] Yepp
[China] No
[Japan] No
[Canada] No
[Danced nekkid] Every Fucking Day!
[Apples or bananas] Apples
[Red or blue] Blue
[Backstreet Boys or N*Sync] Neither
[WalMart or Target] Target
[Santa or Rudoloph] Rudoloph He does all the work unlike that fat ass santa.
[Math or English] English
[High school or college] Highschool
[Do you want to get married] Yes
[If so, at what age] Mid 20's or late
[Who will you marry] Someone that i love and loves me for who i am.
[What do you want to do when you grow up]Be a MILF