Jul 08, 2004 09:29
-- name: Shawny
-- birth date: feb.17
-- hair color: was once brown(my natural colour)... then blonde... then almost black... then red(kinda turned orange though)... now blonde again with red streaks. hmm...
-- height: 5'1
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: Aquarius
-- your heritage: Irish,Italian,Puertoguese,Hawiian
-- the shoes you wore today: Tennies
-- your weakness: Uhh vanilla cream filled cookies I guess
-- your fears: Being Alone
-- your perfect pizza: Papa murphey's garlic chicken yumm
-- goal you'd like to achieve: Become less shy and more open
-- your most overused phrase on aim: haha
-- your thoughts first waking up: I want to go back to sleep to finish my dream
-- your best physical feature: Uhh i've heard my smile
-- your bedtime: during school-10, summer time-11
-- your most missed memories: Either my childhood or 6th and 7th grade with all my old friends
-- pepsi or coke: ew gross neither.. but if i have to... emm pepsi.
-- mcdonald's or burger king: Micky D's
-- single or group dates: group... im more relaxed.
-- adidas or nike: adidas
-- lipton iced tea or nestea: nestea
-- chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- cappuccino or coffee: i hate coffee so the other one
-- smoke: i've already gone through that.. its gross so no more for me.
-- curse: when im really mad or saying a smartass comment.i dont find it very attractive
-- sing: sometimes... though im usualy too embaraced to sing infront of people..
-- shower everyday: everyother day most the time.
-- have a crush: crushes are secret... so... nope. no crushes for me... but yes i do like someone.
-- do you think you've been in love: I think so.. but I hate to admit it.
-- want to go to college: At this point I want to.
-- like(d) high school: I'll know in about 2 months.
-- want to get married: someday, ...., yeah..
-- believe in yourself: not nearly as much as i should..
-- get motion sickness: Not sure.Havent traveled in a while.
-- think you're attractive: Sometimes I do... Sometimes I dont.
-- think you're a health freak: I dont know a damn 14 year old that is.
-- get along with your parent(s): About 90% of the time.
-- like thunderstorms: My favorite days.
-- play an instrument: Drum,Piano and Im tryin to learn the flute... though for some odd reason no sound comes out of it when I blow. Hmm... I guess its not meant for me.
in the past month ...
-- drank alcohol: no
-- smoked: no
-- done a drug: only if you mean taking advil or something else like that for a headache
-- made out: no
-- had sex: nope
-- gone on a date: no dates here...
-- gone to the mall: no
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: no, i havent had oreos for so long... i want some now..
-- eaten sushi: Not in the past month... ahh it sounds so good right now too.
-- been on stage: Me? On stage? hah
-- been dumped: no..
-- gone skating: nope
-- made homemade cookies: nah...
-- gone skinny dipping: naw
-- dyed your hair: No.. surprisingly
-- stolen anything: Thats for idiots.hmm that includes me but i still havent.
ever ...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yeah, but nothing more than pants was ever removed.. and it wasnt even me.
-- if so, was it mixed company: uhh sure? idk
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: never been trashed... or extremely intoxicated...
-- been caught "doing something": Almost.. but kaitlin got caught instead lol
-- been called a tease: no
-- gotten beat up: Naw.. but highschool is coming up. Which=girls which=drama which=me getting her ass kicked for something stupid.
-- shoplifted: nope
-- changed who you were to fit in: no way thats stupid.
-- age you hope to be married: hmmm.. i donno mid to late 20's?
-- how many children: im thinking two..
-- describe your dream wedding: Laid back, non formal, fun, unusual.
-- how do you want to die: While sleeping.No pain involved.
-- where you want to go to college: Right here in Nevada.
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: Teacher
-- what country would you most like to visit: New Zealand... or somewhere in australia.
in ur “mate”...
-- best eye color? green or blue
-- best hair color? Dark
--short or long hair: Short in most cases.. but i LOVE when guys have curly hair its adorable
-- height: Tall... ahh yes very tall
--best weight: Doesnt matter... but I rather be able to atleast fit my arms around them.
--best articles of clothing: I dont care about materialistic things.
--best first date location: No dates here.
--best first kiss location: anywhere.. as long as the kiss its self has the attention..
-- # of drugs taken illegally: 1 kinda... about 4 times.
-- # of people I could trust with my life: Oh jeese likes three
-- # of cds that I own: Idk like 20
-- # of piercings: none
-- # of tattoos: none
-- # of scars on my body: not too many.
-- # of things in my past that I regret: I know there are alot but I cant think of any right now.