Who Am I?

Jan 21, 2013 08:54

Hello, I'm FamBiz.  How are you?

So you want to know about me?  Wise choice.  I'm VERY interesting.  I mean, I'm probably the most interesting person you'll ever come across, really.  Except for Kira.  It's a tie.

I'll tell you some stuff.

I am a Chicagoan.  I went to college in Iowa.  I love the Midwest.  I am irreverent and do not feel compelled to make sense.

Sometimes I read things.  Other times, I read other things.  Most days, I write things.  Viva la Readsistance!  I just made that up.

I hope you like my brain, unless you're a zombie.  Are you a zombie?  Dude, what's that like?

I'm a CasGirl if I'm anything.  I love that wacky angel.  I make a mean Castiel Salad out of lima beans and onions, which are Castiel's favorite foods because I said so.

I'm an atheist, but it's cool if you're not.

I used to be a trapeze artist in the circus.  Now I'm a "junior creative" (yeah, creative is a noun) which means I make Star Wars parody films for a living and screw around on Facebook.  It sounds made up.  My life is pretty cool.

I judge books by their covers.

I have a green spider blanket that keeps me warm.  It's the second cuddliest thing in my life.  The first cuddliest thing in my life is my terrier, Brody, who's in the grip of a strange identity crisis.  He thinks he's a girl, or a cat, or a stuffed animal, and he cuddles like it's his job.  I keep telling him he needs to get a real job and contribute to the household.  He usually brings me a rope when I say it.

Hablo espanol.  Solo un poco.  Tengo miedo de hablarlo en mi trabajo, por ejemplo.

Falo portugues.  Nao bem.  Ummmmm...eu amo minha familia.  Yeah.

My husband is a time-traveling assassin,  He fights for justice and free will.  Then he makes a pizza.

Which reminds me, it's totally lunchtime.  FamBiz out!

What should I write next?  Tell me in the comments!  I write the Dean and Cas POV's (and a couple of OCs you haven't met yet).  Is there anything you'd like to see?  Come on, hit me up, I need an idea.

about, author: fambiz

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