The Thankful Entry

Nov 25, 2004 20:53

So while I'm actually having a good day - I'll post who I'm thankful for. (I'd also post what I'm thankful for, but seeing as I have to get up early black Friday for work, I really need the sleep!!)

So here goes:

My chicas: (It's my journal and I can say that word if I want to!!) You guys will probably never realize how thankful I am to have you all in my life. Through thick and thin you girls have always been there and I can't wait to see what the future houlds for our friendship.

Jen: You're on the other side of the U.S. but it doesn't seem that far. Late night car rides wouldn't be the same without you - "Can you hear me now?" Seriously though, I don't know what I would do without you. You're my partner in crime, my late night confident, and favorite person to play with hair dye with!

Kristi: PLEASE GET A JOB IN PITTSBURGH!! I want my roomie back! On a more serious note - I'm so thankful for our friendship, and I thank you so much for being such a godly woman. You have no idea how much you help my faith.

Adri: I could listen to you tell stories over and over all day - maybe because I have so many times. Oddly enough, I miss it. And I miss you. GET A CELL PHONE!! On a more serious note - I have learned so much from you in the past few years and I don't know what I would do without you as the Old Testimnt know it all.

Krista: I'm thankful for you in so many ways - thanks for being able to make me laugh so much that my abs hurt! I miss having long "deep" conversations with you about anything and everything. It's been wonderful seeing you grow from someone in my small group to the wonderful Christian woman that you are today.

The Richardson Clan: I'm so thankful that you guys are so willing to open your home up to college students (and us post-college kids too!) Thanks for the good meals, a place to chill out, and just a place that can be a home away from home. Some of my fondest memories of Clarion are about you guys and your house.

Crystal: Remind me to tell you why I thought you didn't answer my email. You'll get a kick out of it! I am so thankful for your friendship (even across the miles), and it's been so encouraging to see you grow as a Christian. I can only imagine what the future will bring for each of us!

Lil Jen: Like Crystal said - never let anyone look down on you. Seriously, you are such an encouragement to me honey, and I love you so much for the IMs and everything that make me smile.

Sara: I miss my Moose! Never stop being the wonderful Christian that you are, because you are such an encouragement to me.

Beth: Chalk? Seriously though - it's been so wonderful to watch you grow into a wonderful Christian woman these past few years. I can't wait to see what you do with your life!

Magpie: Thanks for keeping me entertained always . . . through classes with Stemmler, Jen dying your hair, and the cookiemobile - the memories are endless. . . never let anyone change who you are, because you are a wonderful godly, Clay loving woman - and there's nothing wrong with that!

Evan: I love you like a brother . . . I'm so thankful for all the late night talks we had standing between Givan and Ralston. Thanks for being you and for letting me be me. We're going to have to get together and catch up!

Sarah: Wow - I can't believe that I've known you since before you were saved. The past few years have been quite a trip. Thank you for everything that you've done. The way you live your life and share God's word is such an encouragement to me.

Bethany: I miss you! I can't wait to hear all about your trip! It's been so amazing to see you grow and change in these last few years, and I can't wait to know how much more you've grown this last semester.

Pat: I have learned so much from you about myself, about God, and about life. Words can't even express . . .

Harger: Wow, I can't believe how much we've both changed in the almost 6 years that we've been friends. I'm so thankful that God put you in my life to grow me and challenge me, because you are a big part of why I am who I am today.

Everyone: You all hold a special place in my heart and i'm so thankful for each and everyone of you that toucked my life. If I could I would go back to last spring and put our lives on hold because those were the best times ever. I miss you all so much, but life must move on. May God bless you and keep you all!
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