Apr 06, 2005 18:36
Let me first start off by saying that things haven't been going all that great for me lately. I mean it's not going horrible but they could be better. Just the little things seem like they don't turn out how I expect them to but what can I do. Also I would like to say "fuck you" to a couple people. Work has been going good, I work Mon-Fri at least 40 hours a week so it's keeping me busy while I make that money! Gotta love money. Tomorrow I should get my check and I had some OT so this should be good for me. I've been having some weird dreams lately. I've been sick for like ever now, but not badly sick just like sore throat or headache or something along those lines. My eyes burn right now. I'm sick of Livejournal I think I might be done for awhile typing in this shiznoz. If someone really is interested in what I think or how I feel, they probably would call me.