Jun 30, 2003 22:15
Camp was cute today... first day and I only had to teach one class. But it was an impossible class. Trying to get pre-school children to dance is like trying to... well, get pre-school children to dance. You don't, they refuse. After the class I had nothing to do so I pranced around with the pre-schoolers a little and then moved on to meet the 9-10 year olds. And s h i t, those kids are not cool. They are insane. One kid in that group named Jeremy is seriously disturbed and in some dire need of attention. Today he locked himself in the bathroom, got into two fights, and through a juicebox at Brooks, his counselor.
A new girl started work today who is like, an Adventure Game Theatre expert er some shit, and super-adorable and super-lesbianic and I'm super-not interested. Whoot-hoot.
Today my mom apologized to me for being mean this morning and I almost plotzed. She has never apologized before that easily. After that she told me the story of how her best friend killed herself over a broken heart years ago (I don't know how this shit comes up in my family's everyday conversations...) and the story of how her other best friend's daughter killed herself. The second story really touched me. This girl named Ranja was born and raised in America, but brought up in a strict Hindu culture. But she was also brought up in a strict American culture obviously, so she wasn't afraid to rebel. Well to make it short, one night Ranja's parents caught Ranja having sex with her boyfriend in her mother's robe on the couch at 16. They called on my mom to help because they were freaking out and wanting to ship Ranja back to India. Well, my mom got there and Ranja ran up to her and begged her to not let her parents send her to India. Sooo... my mom approached her parents, but they wre completely freaked out and sent her daughter back to India. Years went by, Ranja became a famous dancer in India, then one night, she hung herself.
After those incredibly uplifting stories I saw a little movie called The Pianist, which is about, hey! The Holocaust. I'm all deathed out for the night. I'm going to sleep. Night, everyone.