Sometimes I think God hates me

May 23, 2004 15:54

I am so mad
my mom and dad think they can ground me from everything
Thre is not really nothing to ground me from anyway
but because im "grounded" for who knows why i could not go to op or a concert
I tell my mom/dad "what do i do wrong"
All i do is clean clean clean
and work work work
im serious
im getting so sick of it
i just want to scream
i do nothing wrong
im not even like a normal teenager
i stay home all the time unlike most
i just want to go somewhere and get away from here
and i dont mean camp either
i want to go somewhere where i am wanted
where people want to talk to me and where i am not looked at and judged
i am really mad
My mom and dad were in an argument the other day
my mom said she did not want to take her medicen because she said she had no reason to get better she gets depressed a lot and i can understand why (dont worry she did eventually take her medication)
but then my grandpa came up and everyone was yelling and then people were yelling at me and i did nothing.
My dad yells all the time oh my gosh it is so horrible
ok my brothers and sisters get to go everywhere everyday never getting yelled at but when dovie wants to go somewhere its oh nooooooo you dont you cant go anywhere there is to much stuff for you to do around here
My brothers and sisters just are everywhere and im stuck home cleaning or doing something else
i swear i think my dad hates me and roxann
Maybe it is because we are not his biological and the other four are
i dunno
how am i suppose to know
im just really mad mad mad mad
i feel like a nobody
Like someone who is just here
i sighned up for mission thingys at my church today (nursery, cooking meals for the homeless, skits, visting people in hospital)
Just to get away from it all
then watch i wont do anything and my dad will come home and say
oh your grounded you cant go cook for the homeless today
He tries to ground Me from CIY for crying out loud
its like ok dad just ground me from God. Whatever
Im just going to get up the nerve someday and say helllloooo you cant ground me im 18 now.
oh well
theyll say our house our rules
God why
i dont understand why
life sucks
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