October Country

Oct 19, 2014 18:09

Another month gone by. Craig and I went up to Newcastle for the recent long weekend, and I attended a couple of Young Writers Festival events. The first was a panel of young editors, talking about their jobs. The second was about the dangers of being a writer and taking on too much. A panellist at the second event said that someone once advised him to “sleep faster”!

Finished reading “On Chesil Beach”. Really good read - very basic plot, but delves into the backgrounds of the characters. The novella thrums with a satisfactory sense of unease; something is going to go awfully wrong for this young couple on their wedding night. My current book is “The Artist is a Thief”, by Stephen Gray - the 2001 Vogel Award winner.

I am still torn between deciding which show is better: “Game of Thrones” or “The Walking Dead”? I love the complexity of “Thrones”, the amazing and intricate societies that George RR Martin has created, the houses with their sigils and mottoes. But I also love the taut and gritty world of “WD”, the relentless struggle for daily survival faced by the characters. While the storylines are fairly simple, they are no less compelling.

On another note, NaNoWriMo is almost here. The forums on the website http://www.nanowrimo.org have re-set, and once again, I find myself drawn to the reference section. So many quirky questions! How do you get out of a burning underground house? Detective work in the 1970s? Quickest way to kill a lot of people? Writing a person who can see and converse with ghosts? How far would you travel on horseback in a day? How do you make a person snap and go on a rampage? Loom sabotage?

Will I be giving NaNo another crack this year? That’s the plan, but I need to get plotting!

books, television, writing, newcastle

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