[He does his best not to burst out laughing upon seeing Captain in such a state. One thing that he could count on The Captain for was getting him to see that everything's not so bad when The Captain has gone through worse yet he still remains positive.
He smiles and sighs.]
Whatever in the world made you stick your hand in a bear trap? Would it not be easier to go to the bar? It would have proven much less hazardous.
[He eventually gave up on using his hands to pry off the trap and decides to try another method by looking for something that could offer leverage
( ... )
True. I have reason to believe that the drones are clones of those that have once been here and their souls were taken elsewhere. It does seem a far-fetched notion though plausible nonetheless. However, seeing that even the drones return from death withing the twenty-four hour window, this only solidifies my hypothesis even more so than before. There is no death here.
Be it as it may, I firmly believe that the souls of those that have been permanently droned are in fact back home or in a place where they are no longer suffering this place.
[His eyes widened slightly. He wasn't entirely sure how to take what The Captain said but it did give him the feeling that he would sorely be missed and hoped that the day would never come where anyone would have to take revenge for his sake.]
I thank you though I hope that we can find a better way. I am....touched that you think so highly of me.
[He pulls out an antibiotic ointment from his medical bag and puts some on his fingers to work on The Captain's wounds, forgetting that he can heal quickly but it was mostly from habit.]
Thank you and there is something you can do. In fact, I am thinking of enacting the action plan that I had proposed to you earlier. Though it will take some doing, you are still important to the cause.
And I will not leave unless you come with me. I promise.
[He chuckled softly but the topic did ring in his thoughts that if they were ever separated that he wouldn't ever forget The Captain. He stopped his work and smiled with a nod before he continued with his thoughts.]
Honestly, Captain, I do not think that my life would be the same without you. I suppose that means that we are stuck together and you know that you cannot function well without me to calm you down, yes?
Are you...is that a bear trap?
... Glad to hear you're back...
[He was still laying face first in the ground.]
He smiles and sighs.]
Whatever in the world made you stick your hand in a bear trap? Would it not be easier to go to the bar? It would have proven much less hazardous.
[He attempts to pry the trap off.]
It seems stuck tight.
Margot's gone... her sister too... I went to drink and came back to see this. So I grabbed it...
☠☠☠☠ trap can't beat me...
[He wasn't angry, just miserable. Guess who had no clue about the details about this place even after being here so long?]
Be it as it may, I firmly believe that the souls of those that have been permanently droned are in fact back home or in a place where they are no longer suffering this place.
[He's had a lot of time to think about this.]
[He wanted to believe this, so he would! Dr. Crane was smart.]
[He gave a sincere and soft smile and figured out the trap's mechanism, releasing the trap's grip with a loud click.]
Ah. There we are.
Well, it's a good one I think...
By the way if you ever go the long road I am going to leave a crater where this town was...
I thank you though I hope that we can find a better way. I am....touched that you think so highly of me.
Thank you and there is something you can do. In fact, I am thinking of enacting the action plan that I had proposed to you earlier. Though it will take some doing, you are still important to the cause.
And I will not leave unless you come with me. I promise.
[He wasn't even hurt! Got to love The Captain.]
But honestly. If you can get out, go. I'll live...
[Of course he'd live, but not well judging how Crane found him.]
Honestly, Captain, I do not think that my life would be the same without you. I suppose that means that we are stuck together and you know that you cannot function well without me to calm you down, yes?
Though judging by the time you've been gone... I'm pretty sure I'm ☠☠☠☠ without your help.
[The Captain leaves out the details of those horrific attempts to be a functioning adult.]
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