[Look out Mayfield! If there's trouble, The Captain is there! With super strength, flight, and near invulnerability, there has to be something he can do.
He's sober people, this is not a drill. This is the real thing.
So he's coming to help you! Yes, YOU! And you too
Read more... )
Don't worry. I'm sure a little glue will fix it up just fine.
[pat pat, table, it's gonna be ok!]
Hey kid.
[What's wrong with that table?]
Were you going somewhere?
[...Lucas glances up and smiles in an embarrassed sort of manner.]
Not anywhere important, no.
[Still confused by the table.]
Need to get it anywhere to... uh... fix that?
[Whatever that is.]
I think I'll need some glue. And maybe some foam or something.
[He waits, he's going to get them there... this may or may not be a good thing.]
[Lucas slowly straddles it.]
I don't know; I don't think it's good to put any more pressure on...
He's flying them now, heading up over the trees and houses.]
I... I forgot you could do that! ...T-Thanks!
[He shouts down.]
Now let's see...
[There it is. He just had to keep getting higher until he spotted it.
Beginning his descent, he slows to hover off the ground. First gently letting Lucas down then holding the table over his head again when he lands.
He stumbles, wobbles, but somehow keeps from dropping it.]
Okay... got it. Now, what did we need again?
Thanks, Mr. Captain. Um. I was going to look for glue and something... flexible to fill in the gaps.
[Holding that up is easy. But Lucas should know The Captain isn't the most stable super hero out there.
He might want to hurry before he trips or something.]
Just... like that? I think it should be alright if you laid it on the flat surface.
[He carefully put's it down. Leaving it there, frowning at the strange thing before going into he store with Lucas.]
Let's see... something firm, but bendable. Can you think of anything like that, Mr. Captain?
Yeah... tires maybe?
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