[The Captain decided to gather a lot of fireworks.
No expert on how to set them up, he's going to just do this the stupid easy way.]
A) [Action | 950 Beulah Street back yard}
[Housemates or neighbors might notice The Captain has a lot of fire works and is tying them together
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[As the makeshift fireworks display begins, Balin's train of thought goes something like this:
"what the fuck is that man doing"
"how is even flying like that"
"okay, he just used himself as a flying fireworks platform, is he suicidal"
"no, he's probably superhuman if he's doing that and flying at the same time"
Meanwhile, Balin bursts into laughter, fueled by disbelief at the audacity of The Captain.]
Wow. That really makes up for missin'a Fourth of July!
[Of course, no one's told him exactly what happened on the Fourth, here in Mayfield ...]
Of course, at the end, the smoking super hero falls towards the earth again.]
-Oh, shit!
[Maybe the guy wasn't as invulnerable as he thought. He takes off running down the street, towards the location where he saw The Captain fall.]
His clothes are in tatters but he seems to be outwardly okay.]
[He approaches at a brisk pace ... better to make sure.]
Yo! You ahright'ere?
No, but I'll live.
That was some kinda crazy fireworks display you put up there, man.
[Priorities... taking the hand to help him up. Still not totally with it.]
[Well, there was that one time some idiots set the Foreas Base ammo dump on fire, but that doesn't count.]
If I'd known you were gonna do that, though, I'd've helped you set up a display so you wouldn't've had to, er, fly 'em yourself.
I've taken worse...
[He has. Still, that hurt and he's going to have a headache for a while.]
... They, uh ... I guess they know you can handle doin' stuff like that? I mean, if you've taken worse.
[Oh, that.]
The town? Yeah, probably.
With how often they take powers away, it doesn't ☠☠☠☠ matter. I am still going to try and use it though.
[Still, The Captain's piqued his curiosity.]
... How often do they take powers away? I only heard about what happened durin'a "spring culling."
She'll learn.
[He shrugs.]
Often enough. They do it whenever it fits their game I guess.
One fuckin' sick game they're playin'.
By'a way, I'm Balin Wilbur.
I'm The Captain.
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