34th Hangover - Is he actually being rational?

May 03, 2011 23:25

[Phone Call | Everyone]

For all you who don't know me, I'm Captain ☠☠☠☠! The fact I'm a super hero shouldn't be surprising, you got a ☠☠☠☠ ton of them in town now.

Speaking of being a super hero, I could use some advice. I know what I am going to do, but my plans usually go to ☠☠☠☠ early on. Time for something new.

So if you think you can help me out, be sure to filter the call.

If you just want to know what to avoid, be sure to call me too and I'll tell you where and when to be scarce.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Mother's Day is coming up. That meant trouble last year so watch yourselves.

phone!, Captain ☠☠☠☠

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