Jan 21, 2011 18:58
[The Captain was back from a strange dream about running around town as a kid. Maybe it was repressed memories coming back up again and mixing with current trauma? This is what he got for not drinking in a couple of weeks...
So The Captain makes a call to the town. Remembering that he had plans.]
[[Phone | Unfiltered]]
"Hey! This is The Captain.
Everyone who wanted in on the Hero and Villain meeting, I'm going to be hosting it at my place. Saturday Night. I'll provide beer, bring your own ☠☠☠☠ snacks. 950 Beulah Street.
That's any Hero and Villain who wants it. No one gets to attack or ☠☠☠☠ with anyone else, we call a truce for this meeting. I'll say my peace and then the rest of you can say whatever you want. If you have problems with someone, you can deal with it after the meeting.
This goes for any new heroes, super heroes, villains or super villains who came into town.
If you want to actually try to get out of this place, you'll come. If you want to stay, or you're a pansy, you can sit this one out."
[The Captain will take calls though he's also going to begin preparing. This also included making one private phone call.]
[[Phone to Sakura | Filtered and hackable.]]
"You said you wanted to attend. If you stil want to, you can. Some of these guys might actually be dangerous though and not just full of lame gimmicks."
950 beulah street,
the captain!,