Samhain, and stuff.

Oct 19, 2009 10:20

I don't remember if I posted this info here before, but in case there's anybody reading my journal who isn't either on the Stone City mailing list, or on the FaceBook page, here is the info on this year's Samhain festival.

Stone City Samhain & Hallows Festival
October 30 - November 1, 2009

Come join the community of Stone City for a celebration of the dark tide of Samhain in the Henge by the light of the full Moon. For kids and anyone else who loves Halloween, we'll also be celebrating with our own little Stone City haunted village Hallows festivities. Please let us know if you will be attending with children, and what ages your children are, so we can plan accordingly.

Please save the dates and please do pre-register, as this helps us greatly in being able to prepare for the festival.


Pumpkin Carving & Bonfire - Friday October 30, 7:00 pm

Hallows Festivities - Saturday October 31, 11 am - 6:30 pm
For kids of all ages, including adults. Skull masks and crafts, apple bobbing, jack-o-lanterns, and trick-or-treating in the haunted dusk.

Samhain Ritual - Saturday October 31, 7:30 pm
Ritual collaboration with T. Thorn Coyle, Sharon Knight and Winter, Morpheus Ravenna, Shannon Moore, Tina Beachy and others. The triple Morrigan opens the Gateways to the the realm of the Dead, to the madness and ecstasy of the Otherworld, and to our own heroic heritage.

Closing Ritual - Sunday November 1, 11 am


We have plenty of camping space. Indoor sleeping space is also available in the Guest House, first-come first-served. The Guest House has two queen futon beds and floor space for several more to sleep inoors, on a first-come first-served basis. Please bring your own blankets or sleeping bags. Hot showers, bathtub, composting toilet, and kitchen facilities are available.

Several campers, trailers and boats are available as private cabins. Most have bed space for 2-4 people each, some have more. There is an additional cost for reserving one of these cabins - see below under cost info. Please check with us in advance to reserve one of these private cabins.


$25/one night or $35/two nights, per person for adults; kids and teenagers are free and welcomed. This registration cost covers attendance at all open festival events, camping space, use of the guest house and guest kitchen, showers etc.

If you want to reserve one of the private campers/trailers/boats, the additional cost is $15-25 per night depending on which one you want. Note this is per cabin, NOT per person, so it's cheaper to share.
Please email for details.

Registration payments can be made via PayPal for credit card or debit, to; or you can mail your registration to Stone City Foundation, PO Box 692, Livermore CA 94551.

Please include a note with your registration to indicate:
--WHO the registration covers
--WHEN, i.e. which night or nights of the festival
--KIDS - how many and what ages will be with you
--And of course if the payment includes reservation for a cabin.
You are also welcome to add tax-deductible donations on to the registration total; we are a 501c3 nonprofit organization and appreciate any and all help.

Many thanks and we look forward to celebrating the season of darkness with you!

PantheaCon - February 13-16
Spring Work Parties:
February 28-March 1, March 14-15, April 4-5
Beltaine Festival - April 25-26
Ancient Ways Festival - May 13-17
Fall Work Party - September 12-13
CAYA Harvest Home Festival - September 18-20
Fall Work Party - October 3-4
Samhain Festival - October 30-November 1
Fall Benefit Show - November 22
Stone City Foundation
PO Box 692
Livermore, CA 94551
Networking links:
FaceBook Page -
MySpace -
MySpace Blog Updates -
LiveJournal Blog Feed -
FeedBurner Feed -
Also, since apparently I haven't been very good about getting the word out, I have started teaching open Feri workshops at Storm's shop, the Mystic Dream. Next one is Sunday November 8, 2-5 pm, on working with the Fetch-beast and other Fetchy goodness. Details on my website.

feri, teaching, samhain, stone city

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