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Aug 19, 2007 21:15

Arriverdici Summer `o7
So summer is officially over, well in three hours and forty-three minutes it will be, and school will be in session. Can you sense my excitement?
I haven't written in here all summer, I kind of forced myself not to because I didn't wanna jinx my summer. I just wanted to enjoy it without having to look back on an entry that I wrote while in anger. And I'm glad I did that, this summer has been one of the best summers I've had in a long time.No complains. Well none that matter anyway.Recap.
My plans for the summer were as follows, go to DR,work and get my car.Mhmm?This is what ended up happening.
I did work, a lot, might I add. I didn't go to DR, I'm going in December! CHEA! And my car, I only need a thousand more, which I'll have by Oct the latest. No worries.
This summer I traveled, I went to Sarasota, Naples, and West Palm. My best friend came down from Orlando and she stayed down with me for two weeks. That just made my summer. Barbie got her car, so we went traveling around. I went to the Miami Museum of Art, interesting. We almost had a couple car accidents, got lost a couple times, got hit on by bums, complained, got honked at, went to Dolphin too many times, but all in all Garmin was there to tell us how to get back home. I went to go see THE GOO GOO DOLLS in concert, they were purely amazing! Lifehouse was their opening act, and they rocked too. Frankly, those two bands are better live than recorded. Work? Work is there ya know? I don't pay too much mind to it anymore. But I did work a lot this summer, and I'm glad. I left my summer reading work off till the last minute, and I have no regrets. I was able to enjoy my summer without having to do any work, and now I'm rushing to get it finished. What else? My little sister and I became extremely close this summer, and my best friend and I got closer.
I've realized a lot this summer. I'm growing up. It's something that comes with the territory, yaknow? You lose some, you gain some. I'm not the kid I was eight years ago, no m'am I'm not. And I'm happy about that. I'm still a little wary of what the future has in store for me, but I'm ready to face it head on. I want this adventure. I'm ready for something bigger and better.
Tomorrow marks the begginning of an end, and the begginning of a new start. That's tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day that will lead up the walk. I wish you all a fabolous school year, Live,Laugh,&Love,but NEVER regret.& reruns all become a history
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