May 25, 2004 23:02
I am SO a work of art!
have you...
x. Fallen for your best friend - ummm…it happened awhile ago, and we’re not friends anymore
x. Made out with JUST a friend - mmm…yeah
x. Been rejected - too many times. I just hope it doesn’t happen anymore
x. Been in love - I am now
x. Used someone - I could never do that
x. Been used - too much
x. Cheated on someone - again, I could never do that
x. Been cheated on - too many times
x. Done something you regret - umm…yes
Who was the last person...
x. You touched - ummm…to tell you the truth, it was Robbie on Sunday
x. You talked to - my parents
x. You hugged - Robbie
x. You instant messaged - Robbie
x. You yelled at - umm…my brother
x. You laughed with - Justin, in math
x. You had a crush on - I have a crush now…I guess you could call it a crush, even though he’s my boyfriend
x. Who broke your heart - rather not say
do you...
x. Color your hair - once a month
x. Have tattoos - not yet, but I will
x. Piercings - four in ears, one in belly button. Soon to have tongue and possibly lip
x. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both - yes, and he is AMAZING
x. Floss daily - I try to…
x. Own a webcam - I’d like do
x. Ever get off the d* computer? - yes, when I have things to do
x. Sprechen sie deutsche - I wish
x. Habla espanol - nah
Have u/do u/do u have...
x. Considered a life of crime - not really
x. Considered being a hooker - ROFL no way
x. Considered being a pimp - no…
x. Are you psycho - I don’t think so
x. Split personalities - I can be really happy one minute, and incredibly sad another
x. Obsessive - very
x. Obsessive compulsive - yeah
x. Panic - I panic a lot
x. Anxiety - occasionally
x. Depressed - I used to be really bad, now it’s just seasonal
x. Suicidal - I used to be HORRIBLY suicidal
x. Obsessed with hate - not anymore
x. If you could be anywhere, where would you be - with Robbie, ANYWHERE
x. What are you listening to - ummm…this one Linkin Park song I kinda like…
x. Can you do anything freakish with your body - make my eyes and ears squeak
x. Do you have a favorite animal - I love pigs, and kitties and puppies
x. Current Clothes - black Dickies and black and white shirt
x. Current Mood - happy
x. Current Music - wasn’t that question already asked?
x. Current Taste - a goldfish cracker that Angela’s (from work) son gave me
x. Current Hair - ratty because I didn’t wash it today
x. Current Annoyance - school, not being able to see Robbie everyday
x. Current Smell - my hair, which does smell good
x. Current thing I ought to be doing - sleeping
x. Current Desktop Picture - Bouncing Souls heart
x. Current Favorite Group - ummm…good question. I don’t know, probably Primus
x. Current Book - I just finished the Secret Garden
x. Current DVD In Player - ummm…no idea
x. Current Refreshment - water
x. Current Worry - Comparative Religions test part 2 tomorrow
x. Current Favorite Celebrity - I don’t give a flying fuck
x. Drink - lemonade
x. Color - black
x. Shoes - Converse
x. Candy - not into candy much, but yogurt raisins and peanuts are awesome
x. Animal - question was already asked
x. TV Show - That 70’s Show and anything Jackass related
x. Movie - no idea
Are you...
x. Understanding - I think so
x. Open-minded - depends on the situation
x. Insecure - very
x. Interesting - I don’t know
x. Hungry - a lot
x. Friendly - I try to be
x. Smart - umm…maybe
x. Moody - occasionally
x. Childish - sometimes
x. Independent - um…sometimes
x. Hard working - depends on what I’m doing
x. Organized - HAHAHAHAHAHA
x. Healthy - I think so
x. Emotionally Stable - for now, yes
x. Shy - extremely
x. Difficult - of course
x. Attractive - I personally don’t think so
x. Bored Easily - sometimes
x. Thirsty - all the time
x. Responsible - on certain things
x. Sad - not too much anymore
x. Happy - all the time
x. Trusting - too trusting…
x. Talkative - yes…
x. Unique - I think so…
x. Needy - very needy
Who do you want to...
x. Kill - ummm…hehehehehe George fucking Bush
x. Slap - Bet-- ooops….
x. Be like - someone pretty
x. Talk to offline - whoever feels like chatting it up
On friends...
x. Friend(s) you go to for advice - Amber, and Erin…sometimes Meggie, and occasionally Heather and Kim
x. Friend(s) you have the most fun with - I can have tons of fun with ANYONE
x. Friend(s) you've dreamt about - a lot of my friends
x. Friend(s) your tell secrets to - some
What's your favorite...
x. Number - 6
x. Holiday - not a holiday fan
x. Radio station - my cds
x. Place - anywhere with Robbie
x. Scent - Robbie