Jan 08, 2004 01:55
dude,seriously. grow up already!
"So this sleazy bitch I hate heartsnmotion, her boyfriend cheated on her with some girl from myspace, LMFAO!! YES! Finally her karma is all coming to her now. Just thought I would share my happiness on that"
hun dont ever wish cheating upon ANYONE.
just for that, here comes karma for you ;)
and wait, how would you know he cheated unless you were LURKING on my shit, woah and you even know my lj name. you are quite the internet stalker.
"I hate that heartsnmotion bitch because she is a backstabber. We used to be best friends, now I hate her guts. She is everything you don't want in a friend. A liar, a dramaqueen, she spreads your business, and she likes to stir shit up. Yeah...I HATE HER, haha. She's not a snob, she THINKS she is. She's a pathetic loser and a fucken groupie bitch! Damn, I can go on forever on this whore, haha, but I'll stop here"
yeah, im a total groupie. who were you trying to hang out with again?a certain someone in a BAND? Zdogg? yeaaaah thats right.and who is your ex bf? ryan from slp. yep. im a total groupie. i fuck EVERYONE.
wait, and IM the loser? i think i see your modeling career flying out the window.
yeah i know im a bitch and i know im a snob. its ok.
i know you havent grown up since high school. i could give a fuck about you. still shit talking i see, from things that happened over 2 years ago. you're so cool, giz.
i also like the fact that you befriended my best friend.
didnt you use to tell her, you would "dramatize" her life if she touched rob? i think i recall...
i just thought this was funny guys.
this person cant even begin to get over things that happened well over two years ago.
so so sad.
and you have NO friends left either.
i think i "heard" that too.
aww,boo hoo.
too bad im over it, ive been over it.
haha guess ill take it as a form of flattery,hmm?