Nov 15, 2005 05:18
so yesterday after school sheri and i went to taco bell , i swear its my second home, the manager knows all of our orders by heart, and yes he even paid for us yesterday so nice... love
then i went home and took a nap...
got up and sheri and jake came over and we braided his very long blond hair, so funni , and you know how when someone plays with your you wanna fall asleep yes he fell cute
then shawn came over to pick me up to go out to eat...
so nice, just talked and ate, it was awsome.. then we came back to my house and sat on my porch and watched laguna, and talked, it was the best ever, we talked about even personal things, it was awsome
then he left, and he called when he got home, and then the usualt texting for 30 min even after we get off the phone, im so happy
he's so cute, and he is bringing me breakfast to school yay!!!
so today going to his hocky game, fun and then i dunno taco bell? haha
this whole week is going to be awsome i can feel it..
love love love