Real life and computer issues kept me, many apologies!!
Panic! at the Disco
just hanging around and then by
dreamofthem (gen, "Kind of everyone-fucked-up-and-in-love" PG-13)
Brendon says, "Do you remember us, Ryan." He sounds insistent. "Us," he says, and turns to meet Ryan's gaze.
His eyes are heavy, and his smile is slow but sure. He says, "Have you ever dreamt..." and then he's laughing, at them, at him. Ryan grins. Brendon stops laughing, leans in. Ryan watches, on edge but not moving away.
It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets Buried Alive by
ignipes (Ryan/Spencer, PG-13)
One summer Spencer's parents took him and his sisters on a vacation to visit Civil War battlefields, and Ryan didn't talk to him for ten days. He wasn't counting the minutes, not exactly, but he was too aware of the summer winding down, the days of freedom falling away. They were twelve and thirteen, just a few long, hot days shy of thirteen and fourteen. Ryan was starting high school in a couple of weeks and Spencer wasn't.
Easier to Understand by
disarm_d (Spencer/Brendon, NC-17)
Brendon tilts his head up, and their heads are close, their faces just inches apart. Brendon looks tired, his hair fluffing up in all directions because he keeps tugging at it. Spencer's thumb brushes the back of Brendon's neck, where the collar of his shirt starts. Brendon's wearing a long sleeved button-up shirt, but still Spencer can feel the heat of his body.
Spencer's breath stalls in the back of his throat, and he stands frozen for the time it takes for Brendon to blink, and then he pulls back.
I'm Your Huckleberry by
fiddleyoumust (Brendon/Spencer, NC-17)
On hotel nights, Brendon always rooms with Spencer. It didn't always used to be that way, but now, it's some kind of unspoken agreement. Zack doesn't even ask anymore. He just hands out keys.
Natural Progression by
zarah5 (Ryan/Spencer, PG-13)
Whenever one of them is the focus of unwelcome attention, the other is ready to step in, lean in so close that their noses brush while a hand splays possessively over the other's shoulder.
Fall Out Boy
One of Nine by
ficsoreal (Pete/Patrick, NC-17)
Patrick rolls over and bats at the finger poking him in the side. A giggle tickles his ear and he cracks open one sleep-crusted eye. Pete smiles at him, face tucked close to Patrick's. Patrick smiles back. Wait. Pete. He hooks an arm around Pete's neck and drags him closer. "Pete," he whispers and kisses him.
The Cab
Erebus by
miserylovedme (Cash/Singer, R)
Then there’s a hand on Alex’s shoulder and he nearly pisses himself. He screams. Totally screams, like a fucking girl and jumps, grabbing onto Cash and then Cash is crying out, spinning around and getting an armful of too-skinny lead singer.
All In The Way That You Trip by
skoosiepants (Brendon/Spencer, R)
“I’m going to ask you one more time,” he says, and he looks - Brendon shudders - he looks like he *wants* Brendon to stay quiet, like he’s just itching to take Brendon apart and maybe put him back together wrong. “Where is Ryan?”
Second Sight by
zarah5 (Brendon/Ryan, NC-17)
Ryan doesn’t think Brendon has missed more than two episodes of Spencer’s show in the last year, usually making himself comfortable in Ryan’s office while they listen and Ryan keeps track of the time so as not to be late for the news at one, his last round for that shift. Ryan’s always just assumed that Brendon’s a tiny little bit in love with Spencer. Most people who listen to the show on a regular basis are.
Editor's Pick
One for every day of the week by
megyal (Pete/Patrick, PG)
The oldest child in the Wentz-Stump household is Pierce Wentz, and who resembles his dad most of all. His dad's smile, his dad's swagger, his dad's compelling stare. He's the one that also gave Patrick the most grief when Patrick finally succumbed to Pete's constant nagging to move into the bigger house; he was unforgivably rude to Patrick, he yelled at his father, terrible, terrible things that sent Pete into red-tinged rages and resulted in slamming doors and the younger children crying quietly in corners until a parent or Christine came to comfort them.