monday issue #37

Apr 07, 2008 21:50

Happy Monday!

Panic! at the Disco

In the Sirocco by sevenfists (Brendon/Spencer, R)
"Yeah, shut up," Ryan said, and kicked at Brendon as he shuffled toward the mini-fridge.

"Hypnotize Spencer."

"My inner mind doesn't have any secrets," Spencer said.

maybe the sea by stereomer (gen, Ryan-centric)
The sun is barely hanging higher than any of the shortest trees; Ryan estimates that it’s just past seven in the morning.

The Minor Fall by sinuous_curve (Ryan/Spencer, R)
Ryan gets married two weeks after graduation. "Do you love her?" Spencer asks, "Honestly?"

The Second Law of Panic at the Disco by harriet_vane (GSF, PG-13)
No one was surprised when Brendon came back to the bus, teary-eyed. He stomped into the back and slammed the door.

All for Wanting by sinuous_curve & languisity (Brendon/Spencer, PG)
Time feels like it's moving backwards for Brendon and he can't tell if it's karma giving him a second chance, or if that's just what happens when you're sad; you have to relive every moment you spent making mistakes until you confess or get caught out.

Tear Down the Slaughter-House by skoosiepants (Brendon/Spencer, PG-13)
Brendon isn’t surprised when Haley opens the door for him, not really.

untitled by foxxcub (Jon/Spencer, PG-13)
It comes down to this: a sleepless night in a hotel room in Baltimore, a night spent not sharing a bed and not touching each other with careful, hot glances of fingertips on skin as they pretend to watch a movie, or talking about the show.

Fall Out Boy

keep it in your back pocket by foxxcub (Pete/Patrick, PG-13)
Most of the other penguins would roll their eyes at the little kid sliding happily over the ice and singing wordless songs at the top of his lungs, but Patrick didn’t care.

My Chemical Romance

Throwing the Fight by ficbyzee (Frank/Bob, NC-17)
"You didn't have to rip your ears out," Frank says before the silence gets too prolonged. "It was sweet and all, but we have had pretty sweet security since, like, 2004."

That's the Way We Get By by softlyforgotten (Frank/Gerard, NC-17)
Contrary to the belief of most gossip or music magazines, nearly all talk shows and The Almighty Internet, there is no blow up or dramatic fight or horrible, drunken incident when My Chemical Romance breaks up.

My Way Home Is Through You by 7iris (Frank/Jamia/Mikey, NC-17)
For the first week after Mikey leaves the Paramour, he doesn't answer his phone.

Our Love is Like a White Steed Equipped With An Ivory Penis Symbol Atop Its Head by absenteye (Frank/Mikey, PG-13)
Frank tugs a little at the hem of the fucking shirt, and decides that he can be fucking cool in a fucking unicorn shirt if he fucking wants to. He stomps over and sits down next to Mikey. It's fine. This'll totally be fine.

Cobra Starship

My City's Still Breathing by mcee (Ryland/Alex, R)
Alex shows up at seven and dumps two full bags of grocery on Ryland's kitchen counter, sending the take-out menus flutter to the floor.

Gym Class Heroes

The Big Themes by gigantic (Matt/Travis, NC-17)
"I'm gonna take out the trash," Matt says and heads toward the door as if he isn't only wearing a t-shirt and baggy basketball shorts. It is winter, and Travis could've sworn Matt got the memo, but maybe someone forgot to CC him on that one.

The Cab

play the dancing truth or dare by riflethrough (Cash/Marshall/Ian, NC-17)

It all starts with a really stupid, really random question.

“Ian,” Cash says, blowing out smoke. “Dude. Have you ever had a threesome?”


Made of Silver, Not of Clay by unphoenix (Ryan/Brendon, Pete/Mikey, R)
The world didn’t really stop, per se. It just stopped being the world that Brendon had always known it as.

the calendar hung itself by sinuous_curve & chopsticknoodle (Brendon/Jon, R)
"I'm Brendon." He holds out his hand and Jon takes it, more than a little amused by the old fashioned politeness of the gesture. Brendon's got calluses etched to the tips of his fingers and that, combined with the music note hoodie he's wearing, has Jon pegging him as a music major. "Jon," he says, with a half smile and the kid, Brendon, grins.

Bedtime Stories for Grownups: How Patrick Gangbanged My Chemical Romance by 3jane (MCR/Patrick, NC-17)
They have a day off. It's been ages. But then Mikey looks up from his Sidekick and says something about Fall Out Boy being in the next town, and hey, Patrick.

This Is A Love Song by olivia_circe (Pete/Mikey/Alicia, NC-17)
Pete kisses him back, hard, teeth and tongue and take-no-prisoners, and Mikey gasps into his mouth. He hadn’t forgotten how good this was, exactly, but Pete is-Pete. “I missed you,” he says involuntarily, and Pete kisses him harder.

i know too much to feel young by lady_stargazer (Ryan/Spencer, PG-13)
Spencer declares Ryan’s house unfit to live in on a Saturday, a month after they went on break.

Editor's Pick

spinning the city lights by linzeems (Pete/Patrick, NC-17)
Pete tries not to read his own press -- the printed kind, anyway, he can't break the digital habit. It's the job of his publicist, and most of the time it just makes Pete angry.

themoononastick held a Too Drunk To Fuck meme here.

Fic recs + suggestions over here!


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