I'm always looking and happy to make new friends! ♥ ♥ ♥
If you're interested in getting to know me or being added to my personal real life filter than please let me know in the comment! I keep everything locked pretty tightly. However I am more than happy to include people on my personal filter. I tend to add you on my regular f-list filter then later add you, but I am okay with instantaneous adding.
I am also always looking for fellow bibliophiles to discuss literature with, people who enjoy the things same things as I do, history, etc besides fandom-y stuff.
Fandom Friending Policy:
My fanart including picspams, graphics, etc. is now public as of 2014. My previous fan-art was f-locked. All old fanart is still f-locked.
If you are friending me to unlock those prior posts than please let me know in the comment area. I will always friend back as long as we have mutual interests, fandoms, etc. Sometimes I let a more personal post on my regular friend lock so I prefer to know who I am friending! You can check my sidelinks for my graphics blogs on Tumblr if you would like to see more of my fan-art.
My fanfiction is public.
If we're friends either from Tumblr or real life than please leave that in the comment so I can add you to the right filter.