Jan 24, 2007 17:29
oh yeah! i forgot to mention my major manic spell last night, haha.
i'm laying in bed, i look up at the ceiling and there's two spiders or what i think to be spiders up there. i spent forty-five minutes trying to get them down. i threw a shoe at them, i grabbed one of my old keyboards and tried to hit the ceiling, i sprayed perfume at them, i grabbed a magazine and tried to swat them. needless to say, i was unsuccessful. and ended up back in bed.
it's 3:45 (in the morning) now and i remember this, because i was waiting for a movie to come on at 4am and i wanted to get it done before my movie. get what done you ask? so i had been laying in bed for hours now, right? well all of a sudden i decide i don't like where my bed is. so i get up and i spent 20 minutes re-arranging my bed. AT 4 IN THE MORNING, FOR NO REASON, COMPLETELY OUT OF THE BLUE.
then, i completely re make my bed. i crawl in, start watching my movie and my OCD kicked in. my underwear wasn't laying right on my hips, so i had to get up and change them.
i also decided that somewhere in the mess of all this, that putting my lip ring back in would be a good idea.