Idk why but this strikes me as really fucking dickish.

May 21, 2012 05:28

Sure, it is quite possible and probable that he IS on hormones... but who's motherfucking business is that besides his own?!

Also, it is ACTUALLY possible he isn't. Believe it or not, there ARE boys who look naturally androgyous. Also, he's 20. There are boys who are still GROWING at 20. So the facial hair and body hair may not have REALLY kicked in yet, and even if it did, he's naturally sandy haired and wears makeup. AND there are guys who don't grow much facial hair anyways, so between the makeup and the naturally light hair, he probably doesn't have to deal with 'five o'clock shadow' at all. My best friend's boyfriend has hair nearly as dark as ME and he can go DAYS without shaving and not have the slightest shadow... without makeup to cover whatever there IS. And body-wise, he probably waxes anyways, on top of the 'light colored hair/possibly faint growth' thing.

In the end of it, I wouldn't be shocked if he WAS on hormones, I wouldn't be shocked if he isn't, but what I find offensive is that someone felt it was necessary to talk about how 'clearly' he has to be on hormones. If he is, that's his business and nobodies but his.

Idk, I just found it really fucking RUDE of an edit. Seriously.

pic, fuck you very much!, andrej pejic

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