Lets just cut to the meat of the dream...
I was having sex with Strify... who magically was a girl, lmao!
It was really wierd, cause like, we were doing it in the shower but the shower was really fucking tiny and we barely fit in there together, haha. And for some reason, I was wearing a short skirt (SOOOO not me, hellooo jiggly thighs!) and a blazer and a TIE (he/she... Strify kept pulling me in by my tie) and like... really?!
Strify was naked, btw... so like... idk why I was clothed in the shower, lol.
But really... normally I'd be all '... dude. wtf?!?!' but honestly..
Look at his face:
-who would kick that out of bed?
er... the shower!
And sure, he's NOT a girl, but look at this guy's curvy body and tell me it's THAT strange my brain gave him a vagina?
haha, that was a fucked up dream, yo, lol.