Haha basically Gabe gets around, Mikey got around, as soon as Gabe got with Mikey, EVERYBODY was fucked, lol. Basically our idea is that it IS possible to spread herpes through saliva, so just kissing or possibly even (though its rare) drinking after someone would be enough to get it, SO basically, assuming the possibility that every person had an outbreak every time they were kissing/screwing/drinking after eacho ther, the only people that we found MIGHT be safe was Sisky, Mike Carden, and MAYBE Bob Bryar (cause he'd kill someone if they kissed him and is too ocd to drink after someone else because of the germs).
There's a total web.
HOWEVER, ours stems from two directions cause in REVERSE order, you COULD start with Bert McCracken and still infect everybody else that Gabe would've infected, lmao.
We're just struggling with making a diagram that ACTUALLY makes sense rather than a mess of names and arrows drawn, lol. Tomorrow there shall be an experiment with stick figures that may work out.
And Idk, Gabe's not the best influence but he's probably the best friend anybody could ever have, lol. He's proven himself ridiculously loyal and reliable to his friends time and time again and you gotta respect that, no matter how much of the shit he got them into in the first place, lol.
Aww! I love Sisky! Keep that bo sweet and virginal (because I havent got my hands on him yet) but yeah. Gabe would be the one I would trust to help me out besides Patrick or Bob. As for Carden, he will have been infected because Cardn has kissed Bilvy who swaps. spit with Gabe often. Oh that means Sisky would have it too because he's held hands and kissed Carden. (I has proofs)
hmm... I didn't allow for Carden kissing Bill. And yes, Sisky was safe because between Carden adn Bill being a big overprotective brother, nobody can touch Sisky (Only Carden!)
... well if Mike and Bill've kissed, then only Bob is left without the herp, lol.
Unless he was mouth-raped... but since nobody is DEAD I doubt thats the case, lmao.
Well we don't KNOW they ever did anything... maybe they really were just living together as buddies, lol.
We're going on evidence or proof. (OR undeniable suspicion... like... theres no real proof or evidence that Mikey and Pete ever fucked but dude... even non-slashers 'know' they did, lol)
Shudder* Bob is probably the only safe one. Omg!f my boyfriend is from Chicago and has been to a TAI concert and I've kissed him can I get the herpderps too cuz if so this is bullshit and I will personality bitchslap that Bert McCraycray (that's my best friends nickname for him).
Now I want to read/write a fic of the bandom boys being at a family reunion. I cab see Andy Hurley as the crazy ass uncle and Patrick as the mom and OMG theButcher!!! The Butcher!!
There's a total web.
HOWEVER, ours stems from two directions cause in REVERSE order, you COULD start with Bert McCracken and still infect everybody else that Gabe would've infected, lmao.
We're just struggling with making a diagram that ACTUALLY makes sense rather than a mess of names and arrows drawn, lol. Tomorrow there shall be an experiment with stick figures that may work out.
And Idk, Gabe's not the best influence but he's probably the best friend anybody could ever have, lol. He's proven himself ridiculously loyal and reliable to his friends time and time again and you gotta respect that, no matter how much of the shit he got them into in the first place, lol.
... well if Mike and Bill've kissed, then only Bob is left without the herp, lol.
Unless he was mouth-raped... but since nobody is DEAD I doubt thats the case, lmao.
We're going on evidence or proof. (OR undeniable suspicion... like... theres no real proof or evidence that Mikey and Pete ever fucked but dude... even non-slashers 'know' they did, lol)
Now I want to read/write a fic of the bandom boys being at a family reunion. I cab see Andy Hurley as the crazy ass uncle and Patrick as the mom and OMG theButcher!!! The Butcher!!
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