Jun 29, 2011 23:40
Tonight I listened to a group of people bitching about outsourcing. They have a decent reason to be annoyed, the plants in town keep shutting down and laying people off because the companies can't keep open since their competition is outsourced and can run cheaper and make just as much money...
HOWEVER, the amusing point is that these guys who were bitching are all employed NOW at the Mage plant in town, making more money than they were at their old job.
Now, I don't expect anybody to know this already, so I'll explain...
Mage Solar is a German company that has opened its US production headquarters here in Dublin... sure, it's not DIRECTLY outsourcing, but do you see the hypocrisy of this situation? There are issues with outsourcing, I'm not denying that, I just found it amusing that people who basically have a job because a foreign-based company saw a possible profit increase by opening their plant in another country.
Amusing? Yes, yes it is.