Sep 08, 2010 02:26
A friend was talking about how she's just now become an Adam fan and I was all "YAY" and she mentioned American Idol and you all know my hatred for it and how I think Adam's the only good reason it ever existed.... apparantly when I'm sleepy and passionate I get poetic AND make up words!
...American Idol is a soul-sucking music-murdering life-invading piece of garbage that stains the pages of history with its corrosive destruction of the integrety of music and [is]a breeding ground for mediocrity and commercialization.
... yeah, I have an issue with it, you could say, lol.
... I'm pretty sure I meant 'commercialism' ... not commercialization, lmao.
... oh God, I'm going to bed before I go even more insane, hahaha.
american evil