but i was out all day at my grans until 5pm (its 6:30) and despite claims of it being ALL OVER LJ (it is teh top google query search for Ryan Ross) i had not one mention of it on any of my friends LJ posts...
but if you're like me... hows this for SHOCK!
http://www.zacktaylor.ca/blog/2009/07/ryan-ross-co-caught-with-coke.html however, i feel i shouldn't be shocked at all really...
its like... you suspected it all along but you never WANTED to let yourself think it.
I dont hate him, like most people do now...i pity him.
He just lost any respect i might have had left for him.
I will say this... it shouldn't shock me like it did.
And if they aren't arleady into the same shit, i'm kind of glad Brendon and Spencer are getting away from it. (yes, i know... its likely that they are... but still... you never know, right?)