OOC: Splendorocity Application

Nov 04, 2011 00:00

Player Information:
Name: Ellie
Method of Contact: sariagem @ gmail.com
Previous characters: N/A

Character Information:
Full Name: Yuri Lowell
Series: Tales of Vesperia
Canon point: End-game PS3 Version
Age: 21
Species: Human
Normal Looking

Appearance upon arrival: Besides looking a little confused as to why he's here, Yuri will look like his normal energy filled self

Previous RP memories: None
Bringing someone along?: Nope
Character History: http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Yuri_Lowell

Normally the first time you would meet Yuri, you'll find him rather sarcastic, uncaring and in general a bit of a jerk. And, to a certain extent, he is one. But, if you were to meet many of his friends that have known him for a while, they'll tell you he's helpful, caring and like an older brother to a lot of people. Which one is right? Well, both.

Much of his personality comes from his upbringing from being raised in the lower quarter, the slums, of the capital of his world. He learned to distrust nobles very early on and tends to be a little biased towards them, except for ones that he has come to know and trust, or ones that don't normally fit the spoiled, fat, ignorant nobles tag that flocks the upper class. Even when he's around others that are of 'higher rank' then him, he normally talks to them as if there was no title.

Yuri tends to hide away most of his real thoughts, emotions, fears and worries behind a carefree, laid back mask that rarely comes off. Though, in reality he is a very caring person and doesn't hesitate to help those in need, going so far as to put himself in danger and taking the pain onto himself rather then the other. he also has a strong sense of justice, believing that people should be punished for their deeds, rank or not. Because of the corruption that's high in the knights and nobility, Yuri takes the role of justice many times when he feels it necessary, especially if the person was left off the hook. Yuri would rather be labeled a traitor and murderer then let many people walk free to do anything they wish.

He enjoys teasing people, and has a habit of doing it in whenever he can, sometimes handing out nicknames to help along with the teasing, or just in case the name is more then three syllables. Friends are more likely to get more decent nicnknames then people who annoy him (Tweedle A and Tweedle B)

He tends to not like being thanked for anything that he's done. Anything. Be it helping someone kill a monster or saving the entire world. He'd rather give the credit to someone (Flynn) who would do something more with it, thinking that he shouldn't be the hero in a lot of peoples books. As much of it being an annoyance to a few others. Even if he is, he casually shrug it off and veer the subject away entirely.

Other little quirks about him is that he loves sweets, has a small cat ear fetish and seems to truly enjoy himself only when he's fighting. The harder the fight, the more Yuri seems to be excited about it and fights with all his might, even saying that swinging his sword raises his energy levels rather then taking it away. He also seems to understand his dog, Repede, though it's unclear if he actually does, never really giving a real answer. And, though he understands his dog, he seems to have no comprehension of the female psychology. When he was younger he didn't seem to get the reference of the 'bigger one' being of their breast size, but of their height (He was confused because they were the same height) He seems to have gotten better then those years, flirting on occasion with Judy, but, other then that, trying to get him to see someone likes him or to try and get him to admit he likes someone, is a rather difficult task.

In short, Yuri is fiercely loyal to his friends and to those he thinks are family and would do anything to help a person in danger right in front of him. As much of a jerk he is, he's also a pretty good guy.

Character Abilities:
Yuri knows artes, the equivalent of having special fighting abilities, used by the bracelet on his arm which is a blastia. It uses aer - something that was in the atmosphere in his world Terca Lumireis - to convert it into energy, making the wielder use magic or extra fighting moves. Though he doesn't use magic (He hates studying) he uses it to fight, using skills to fight with a sword or even axe (Though his speed is less when he wields one)

He's very acrobatic with his fighting skills, using not only his sword but as well a his feet and arms to punch and kick an enemy while still using his blade. Even his basic fighting he regularly alternates his sword between one hand to the next, one arte even makes him kick his sword into his hand. Yuri is ambidextrous, though his main hand is his left, which is why he seems to enjoy fighting in his own unique style.
Possessions: Just his sword, a few gels which help recover your health, his clothes of course and his blastia which is on his wrist.
Anything else: He's a pretty good cook, probably the best or second best in the game.

Action/Communication thread/post sample:
Dear Mun

Log/Prose sample:
Yuri stared up into the sky blankly, watching as the Adephagos blocked much of the sky, changing the star scape and leaving much lost. Tomorrow was the big day, the day they would go to Tarqaron and knock some sense into Duke and destroy that horrible eyesore in the sky.

"Heh, to think this all started when we left the capital to look for a blastia thief." Yuri smiled as he looked towards his companion dog and patted him on the head. "Some adventure, huh?" He heard a small bark from Repede and he chuckled.

He took his attention away from the sky and looked around the valley. Things really had changed from that small mission, they had accidentally kidnapped a princess, met with guilds, got caught up in the balance of nature and finally managed to catch up with Flynn, it had taken long enough. Now he was sitting in a town that had been made by both sides, something he never thought would happen. People do surprising things when they need to. He just needed to show that to Duke, he wasn't all bad right? Just a little misguided.

"Well, it's getting late, Repede. Time to get going." He stood up from his spot on the grass and wiped his pants, hearing his companion sand and shake, heading towards the inn. Yuri followed for a short while before stopping, taking a look at the newly made town.

"We're getting this done tomorrow." He stated to himself, looking back up to the sky. "No more holding back." The next night, there wasn't going to be any distortions, no more Adephagos, and if all went well, no more blastia.

ooc, app: splendor

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