May 27, 2008 01:07
Sometimes you have bad days and other days are ok then there are the good days that you wish you could have more of. Sometimes you think your having the best day of your life and it turns into the worst or you could be having the worst day and it can turn into the best. Sitting hear now looking at eddie i relaized how my life has changed for the better. I used to be a push over. Now not so much anymore only once in a while. Some bad stuff has happened to me in the last three years such as my grandma who was my best friend past away and keila our family dog did too. Other stuff has happend that made me grow up i had moved to Tuscon AZ and lived there for about 5months i learned alot about responsiblities and how hard it is to live with out mommy and daddy there to help you out all the time. Yeah things happen for a reason. when i came back my mommy and daddy where there to help me and eddie get back on our feet. About a year later we moved into an apartment and have been helping his mom out. I wouldn't change that either. I complain alot about stuff but most of it seems triveal when i look back at it. And i believe strongly in Karma now. I know from first had experience that if you do something bad yes something bad will happen to you too. My older sister and i get along great now. Its kinda wierd sometimes we never got along before and now its like bam we talk almost everyday. My little sister i get mad at her once in a while and get jealous sometimes too but you know what i hope she does do good and things work out for her in life. I just have to remind myself that she is prob is under alot of stress right now and thats hard for anyone heck look at me i'm out on stress leave from work. I think stress live was what i needed because before i went out it seemed that i walked around in a haz all the time no matter what and that was causing a strain on everything my relationship with my boyfriend or with my family. Everything seems a little better now and hopefuly things will be alot better. I plan to go to college soon hopefully if all works out well. All i can hope is that things get better and my future get brighter. I love eddie more then anything else in the world and wouldn't trade in no matter what. yes we have our ups and downs but what relationship doesn't.