Oct 18, 2004 17:29
1. What is your Full name: Brittany Niccole Cowart
2. What color trousers are you wearing now: Im wearing grey sweat pants and a grey Volcom shirt
3. What are you listening to right now? If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keyes
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 69
5. What was the last thing you ate: swiss cake rolls mmm yummy
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? bright pink or neon green
7. How is the weather right now: its nice it could be a little cooler though its kinda humid
8. Last person you talked to on the phone: Kinnon then my Grandma
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: well duh looks but first thing i look for is personality
11. Favorite Drink: umm....Mountain Dew
12. Favorite Alcoholic drink: too many...but ummmmm i like Fuzzy Navels
13. Favorite place to shop: the mall lol...to many stores...
14. Hair Color: blonde
15. Eye Color: Brown
16. Do you wear contacts: no
17. Top or bottom? i wouldnt know
18. Favorite Month: All the months from September 1st until March 24th cuz so many things happen between those months Kinnon and my Anniversary numerous holidays and both of our birthdays and not to mention Meg, Eric, and Lindsey's b-days
19. Favorite Food: mexican, chinese, and italian
20. Last Movie you Watched: The Butterfly Effect
21. Favorite Day of the Year: Sept. 12 (kinnon and my Anniversay), Oct. 31,Dec. 25th, Feb. 14, and March 24th (my b-day)
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out: im a girl...the guy is suppose to ask me out!! lol
23. Summer or Winter: Winter i prefer the cold weather with my baby's arms around me to keep my warm :)
24. Hugs or Kisses? both when they are combined
25. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
26. Do you want your friends to respond back: THEY BETTER
27. Who is most likely to respond: i dunno
28: Who is least likely to respond: i donno lol
30. What books are you reading: well i was reading a book called Blue is for Nightmares and it was really good all except i love my boyfriend so much that i decided to go take it back so i could give him gas money to come see me but yeah that didnt work out so now im stuck with $10
31. What's on your mouse pad: i dont have one...i have a wireless mouse
32. Favorite Board Game: i dunno....twister!!! thats alwas a fun game!! i havnt played that game in forever!!!
33. What did you do last night: nothing but talk to my friends online talked to Kinnon for a few minutes o yeah and then i slept
34. Do you have pets? yes a dog
35. Who inspires you: Kinnon and his parents
37. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn: i hate popcorn
38. Favorite Flower: pink white or red roses
39. What do you say when you wake up in the A.M? MORE SLEEP
40. Do you still talk to your best friend from high school? IM IN HIGH SKOOL
41. What's on your desk? shotglasses, a computer, a Tv ((its small)), a little lamp, a webcam, and a little statue with 2 angles holding a heatr that says love
42. Rock Concert or Symphony: rock
43. Play or Opera: play
44. Have you ever fired a gun: no guns terrify me
45. Do you like to travel by plane?: dont matter lol...ill have fun either way but i think the car would be funner wit friends lol
46. Right-handed or Left-handed: right
47. Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky Peanut: i hate peanut butter
48. How many pillows do you sleep with: 2
49. City & State you were born in: Orlando Florida biatch
50. Ever hitchhiked?: HELL NO i dont wanna die now!!