my AMAZING weekend with Kota <3

Dec 02, 2008 19:43

pretty much everyone in the Supernatural fandom knows who the infamous Dakota is and for those who dont, he's Chad Lindberg's, Fred Lehne's, Samantha Smith's and Richard Speight Jr's agent. he also represents tons of other actors from that genre of tv and movies. "Premiere Booking, Convention & Autograph Services" is what it says on his business card, which he has owned for 6 years. he does TONS of other things too, but i'm not gonna get into any of that until he gives me the okay to do so. he's very young and very successful. and i'm BEYOND proud of the sweet, honest and level headed person that he is and of everything he has already accomplished and i'm so excited and cant wait to see what he has to offer in the future!

i met Kota at Dallas Con in June. he can vouch for me and so can everyone else that has met me irl...i'm awkward and quiet at first. it's not cause i'm shy, cause i'm def. NOT, it just takes me a while to warm up to new people. actually, i didnt even talk to him at the con. i was probably the only girl there that didnt ask for a pic or an auto. he was going around our table signing everyone's badges and was like "you're gonna look at this in the morning and be like, who in the heck ruined my badge?" haha. then he told us when his bday was and what his ring/shirt/pants/shoe size etc. were lol and then told us to add him on myspace. i dont remember doing it, but i looked through my notes from the con and i had written it down. so a few days after the con was over, i decided to go to his page for the heck of it and i sent a request, not knowing if he'd actually add me back. he did and sent me a message thanking me for adding him and that it was awesome meeting me and that he missed me and that he wished he could do the weekend all over again. we started messaging back and forth and he told me he sucked at talking on myspace and that i needed to get a messenger so we could talk more [i bet he wishes he had never said that! jk]. for those that know me, i dont do messenger. but i had enjoyed the short little convos we had been having on myspace so i dug up one of my screennames and we started talking on there. he is the only person on the planet that has my screenname and that i will actually sit down and talk to for long periods of time. he used to make me sign on when he was bored and we'd talk for like 4-5 hours every night, about nothing, about everything. and i'd say i wanted to go to bed and everytime i said nite, he would think of something else to say to lure me back lol. good times good times! after talking to and getting to know him and realizing how AWESOME and SWEET he is, i felt really bad about being the only one at my table that didnt have him sign my badge. so i was just joking with him and told him he needed to send me something. he asked for my address and then stopped talking for like 10 minutes. he came back and was like "i just mailed an auto'd pic for you".
aww i thought that was so sweet! i still dont know what it was about me that let him know that he can trust and confide in me, but i'm so glad he does. this next part is gonna probably make some of you think "yeah right, whatever. you've only known him for a few months. that's impossible", but unless you know everything that's happened in my life these past 6 months and know how much he has helped me through everything, then i'm sorry, you just wont understand. and that's ok cause i know what he's done for me, he knows, my mom sees it, my best friend sees it. everyone close to me has noticed a change in me and it's thanks to him. he's been there for me more than people that i've known for years [and i dont mean you, twin, cause you have also been AMAZING through everything and i love you SO much!] and he's def. been there more than my family has. he can calm me down faster than anyone can...whether he's being sweet or he's being brutally honest with me and telling me like it is. he said that we met when i needed him the most and i honestly believe that we were supposed to. Kota, you've been my sanity through the toughest months of my life and i seriously dont know what i would do without you and i thank God everyday for you. love you dollface!
these so describe us:

this is gonna be all over in the place. i love Star Wars so when Kota told me that he was gonna be working a con in my area, i had to go! it was cool getting to see the men behind Vader and Chewy in person, but i'm not gonna lie, Kota was the main reason i went. i was waiting in line and i saw him walk by. i almost didnt say anything cause he was on the phone, but i called his name anyway. he smiled and waved and i thought he was gonna come over to say hi and give me a hug and go back in, but he motioned me to come over to him. he asked if i had already paid and i said no and he said "ok good. do you have anyone with you? i dont wanna leave them out here" [i didnt]. i told him i'd been there like an hour and a half and that i almost called him when i got there. he said "you should have". he was still on the phone and i guess the person on the other end didnt wanna say something with me standing there, but he said "it's cool. it's Court. she knows. you can talk about it in front of her." we walked to the back entrance where the vendor's room was and the lady at the door tried to stop me and he said "it's cool. she's one of my minions" lol. got inside and he gave me 1 of his 5 exhibitor's badges, so i got in free. aww thanks hun!

he said "i want you to meet all of my friends. you're gonna be hanging out with us all weekend." i whispered "you know i'm not good at meeting new people" and he said "well get over it. cause you're gonna!" he said "this is my brother from another mother" and Jamal grabbed me and hugged me like i was his long lost friend lol. he kept coming by the booth looking for Kota. one time, he asked where he was and i said "cig break. i can hit him for you when he gets back". he said "ok hit him in the nuts". i said "can i get another body part please?" lol Jamal was awesome!

i got Kota a gift and i handed it to him and he said "aww this is for me? but i didnt get you anything. now i feel bad. i'm gonna have to send you a thank you card." and i got him a card and wrote him a note, but i wasnt sure yet if i wanted to give him the note or not. but he opened the card before i had a chance to take the note out. i watched him read the card and the note and he had his hand over his heart and i could tell by the expression on his face that he was touched and he looked up at me and he was tearing up and said "you cant say such sweet things to me! i cant cry in public!" aww how sweet is that?! when i told him that i was willing to help him, i didnt think he'd actually take me up on it. so i stood outside the booth for a long time cause i didnt know yet if he wanted me to help or not, but then he told me to come in. i was quiet for like the first hour. i am completely comfortable around him so it had nothing to do with him whatsoever. and it was nothing against Karen or Jessica either cause they were cool. i'm just not used to talking to him with an audience and like i said earlier, i'm not good with new people. Kota thought i was sad though so everytime he looked at me, he would tell me to loosen up and then he'd started singing "why dont you build me up buttercup, baby? dont break my heart!" lol it was too cute and it def. made me smile everytime :]. he was just an absolute doll all weekend. everytime he was trying to get out of the booth, i'd move his chair out of the way and he'd be like "thanks babe!" and he would apologize everytime he ran into me and say "excuse me hun!" or "sorry sweetie!" he didnt have to apologize. he coulda knocked me down [oh wait...that's later lol] and i wouldnt have cared. and he randomly kept grabbing me and hugging me. he's just too freakin sweet! i cant believe i havent mentioned his adorable accent yet! everytime someone would come up to the booth, he'd go "how arrreee yaaa" and i dont know if he ever noticed, but i smiled everytime.

we all went to his car and he turned on some music and started shaking his butt, dancing like a hoochie in a rap video lol and he was good at it! haha. i was laughing the whole time and Karen was like "i dont think she knows what to think" and i was like "nah nothing he does shocks me. actually, i'm surprised he hasnt done this sooner!" later inside, he got Jessica's mp3 player and started singing Lady Marmalade. i said "for a second there, i thought you were gonna start dancing again and i'm surprised that only a few buttons have come undone" [cause earlier, he said his shirt wasnt open enough, so he unbuttoned more.] "and i'm surprised that you havent stripped yet." he said "there are kids in here. i do have some decorum!" lol.

we somehow got on the subject of clowns and i mentioned how he knows i'm terrified of them so he made his emoticons on messenger into little clowns so i would face my fear. trust me, if anyone else had done that, i would have never talked to them again haha. he got out his laptop and showed us pics from his photoshoot that he did for Shreveport's 50 most beautiful people. he looked great of course [boy cant take a bad pic], but i agree with him that they shoulda let him keep his hair as is. who doesnt love the long, flipped out Jared hair? i've seen 2 pics from that shoot before, but it was cool getting to see the rest. he got #2 out of everyone and #1 out of the guys. he probably woulda gotten #1 overall, but the girl that beat him was related to the photographer. go figure. he said that he's been modeling since he was 3 [i soooo wanna see baby Kota!] and that all his life, he's been told to "smile and look cute" and that it's all he knows how to do. which is SO not true! if you only knew what all he has already accomplished at such a young age and what other things he has coming up [which again, i'm not at liberty to say]. i'm not denying that he's adorable, but he is SO much more than a pretty face. and i tell people that everytime someone comments or sends me a message telling me how cute he is.

this girl stopped at the booth and asked if he had any autographed pics of J2 and Karen had some in the car, so she told Kota he could sell them. Kota went to get them and he was still telling me that i needed to talk more. "talk to people. sell some stuff". i said "you want me to be sociable?" he said "yes." i said "have you met me?" he said "yes." i said "and you think i can do it?" and he said "yes." so i talked to the girl the whole time he was gone about the boys. i still had my pics of Jared from Dallas Con on my camera so i let her look through all 200 or so of them. Kota came back and i told him that i talked the whole time he was gone and he high fived me and said "i knew you could do it! i'm proud of you!" haha. someone was looking through his folder of auto'd pics and there was one of Sandy. [ok this next part is just speculation. he is not saying that Sandy is the reason for the split.] Kota said "who would dump Jared Padalecki?" and at the exact same time, we both said "Seriously!" and we looked at each other and started laughing. and this little girl walked by and saw a pic of Jared and looked up at Kota and started freaking out cause she thought he was Jared. Kota absolutely loved it and wanted to adopt her lol. then he told Karen and Jessica about the comparison pic i made of him and Jared. and then i said "you also made me make a butt comparison pic of you and Jensen. that was awkward! thanks for that!" and he was like "you're welcome!" haha.

for months, he had been asking me how many things i was gonna bring to get signed and i kept telling him i didnt know cause i wanted pics more than autos. but he was determined to sign things. i sent him some candy so as a thank you, he made me some pics, so i printed those out for him to sign. i've been wanting to post these pics for months and he finally gave me the ok. it was quiet for a few minutes and he said "i'm bored. what'd you bring for me to sign?" so i got out one of the pics he made me.

signing the pic. taken by Jack [will introduce him in a minute]:

this is hands down, my fave pic of him ever!

i lost the usb to my scanner so i had to go old school and take a pic of a pic. it says "You always own me". heck yeah, i do ;]

we were talking one night and out of nowhere, he said "thank you" and i asked for what and he said "for being you". and i said "but i'm no one" and he said "to the world you are one, but to one you are the world" and he totally made me cry. so that's why he wrote that on the back. and yes, i cried again. i'm a sap...what can i say? and i'll always love you too sweetie!

then he said "give me something else to sign" and i said "but i dont have anything" and he was like "seriously? you didnt bring anything else? wth Court?" lol. i told him i was joking and got out the other 2 pics he made me. says "only I can model this! ♥ you!".

says "rock out with your tongue out. ♥":

then he grabbed my badge and signed it too. i obv. didnt know Jack was the taking the pic or i woulda stopped talking!

that little thingy in the corner is a heart. although it looks like it's ♥Courtney instead of ♥ Dakota lol. but he said "yeah. it means i love Courtney" so i was like aww yay :]

he wasnt finished autographing...he said "i wanna freak your mom out. raise up your shirt. i wanna give you a tramp stamp." so i raised up my shirt. and he laughed and said "i love how they listen!" lol.

he was so totally amused by this and everyone in the booth was laughing and i swear everyone in the room was watching. someone even recorded it.

dang it, i really need to stop talking when there are cameras around! i blame Kota. he told me to talk more!

when he was done, i said "do i even wanna know what it says?" and everyone was like "probably not". so i got Mo to take a pic of it so i could see it. LOL at what he wrote! *loves it!*

Kota's friend, Jack, who is an awesome photographer and so so nice [i seriously love him!] kept stopping by the booth to talk and take pics. Kota said "everyone at Dallas Con wanted a picture with me and an auto." i said "except me! i didnt even talk to you!" and he glared at me lol and said "yeah, that is true. she ignored me." and then he made a sad face. it made me feel bad :[. and Jack said "well obviously something changed cause she's here now." and Kota was like "yeah, we're cool. we're close friends now." aww ily hun :]. and i kidded around with him and said "i'm sorry Kota! but when Gabe is in the room, i dont notice anyone else! and if Gabe was here right now..." Kota was all confident and said "oh i think i know who you'd pick now." i shifted my eyes and kinda made a face. Jack saw it, but Kota didnt. and Jack was like "i'm not sure about that Dakota!" lol. but seriously dollface, you know i'd totally choose you over Gabe. i'd pretty much choose you over anyone. i mean i put you in front of the hubby, Kristan, Tommi and Michael on myspace, so what does that tell you? haha. Jack said "i have to get a pic of you two together." so Kota pulled me over and Jack took the pic. i really love this one:

i cant help it...things like this just come out. i've never been one to think very highly of myself. i said "you mean the camera didnt break?" and Kota gave me a really dirty look and told me to stop being so pessimistic. i hung my head and apologized lol. Jack ended up taking 7 of pics of us. some of them are the same as the pics that are on my camera but i didnt know he was taking pics at the same time. i was only aware of the one. i already mentioned that i felt bad about Kota not signing my badge from Dallas Con, but i also regretted not getting a pic with him then, so he said "i gotta look good cause i know you're gonna want pics!" lol. we were sitting in the booth talking and all of a sudden, Kota jumped up and was like "time for a photoshoot!" again, it just kinda slipped out and i wasnt really even talking to anyone, i was mumbling to myself and said "i'm note sure if i wanna use my good camera or not. my face really shows up in the pics." i shouldnt have said that. i was sitting in the floor and i was halfway up and Kota heard me, smacked me in the head, HARD and i fell back on the floor lol. he said "get over it! you're hot! you wouldnt be my friend if you werent!" haha aww! so i apologized again and got up. and then he started posing for pic after pic. i lost count at how many we actually took, but only 3 of them were my idea [the hug, metal sign and the one with us and my friend Mo].
one of the funnest "photoshoots" ever! it's right up there with "THAT IS THE BEST THING EVER!" with Gabe and the Supernatural boys "stripping" for me!
when i'm laughing hard, i always end up closing my eyes, dang it! but i still love this pic :]:

i esp. love it from Jack's angle:

then he picked me up...

from another angle, by Jack. i didnt mean anything bad by it, but i commented and said my butt looked big in this pic and he was like "stop it! stop being so pessimistic! i didnt say one negative thing about myself the rest of the weekend. i was afraid to! lol no seriously though, he is def. a confidence booster. getting me to think positively and not talk about myself...yeah, no one else can do that. just another thing to thank him for!

and then proceeded to turn me upside down:

next 2 by Jack. i love the look on his face in these!

i couldnt stop laughing even though the blood was rushing to my head and was soo dizzy when he finally put me down!

i thought that maybe it was a time for a normal pic...but nope! lol. none of these were planned [excpet for the ones i mentioned above] so i had no idea what he was gonna do next:

Kota posing for me:

he fell totally in love with that chair and had to get a pic taken of him in it with the name showing. from my camera:

from his:

i hadnt seen Mo in 3 years so i told her about the con and she decided to come. she texted when she got there so i went to find her. i told her we needed a new pic together cause we hadnt taken one in so long. she said "yeah i look so 3 years ago in our old one!" haha. in true Courtney fashion, we got on the subject of my pretty boys and my hubby. i cant go anywhere without them being brought up! we caught up a little and i took her to meet Kota. they hit it off right away. when she walked away, he was like "damn! she's got a J-Lo ass!" i told her and she thought that it was funny. later, he slapped it and she said "i've been working out" and he said "i can tell!" lol. she came back and asked if it was cool if she hung out for a while and Kota said yes, so she stayed in the booth for an hour or so. i told Kota that Mo was a model too and vice versa so they agreed to do a mini photoshoot together. i was positioning the camera, trying to decide if i wanted to take the pic horizontally or vertically. Kota was like "would you just take the picture?" i said "do you want it to turn out or not?" he said "do you wanna throw down? you'd like that, wouldnt you?" lol. i said "cmon let's go!" and he was like "take the picture!" and i said "do you want me to take it full length?" and he looked her up and down and made a face as if to say "what do you think?" lol. well i thought i did it long ways, but i guess i didnt. but anywho, i'm sure everyone agrees that they look totally hot together. i really love these pics!

Kota took a pic of me and her and i demanded a retake cause i didnt like me in the picture.

when i said i didnt like the pic, he looked at it and was like "that's hot!" haha thanks Kota, but i still made him retake it.

and then she wanted one on her camera. take 3 was def. the best one.

then i told him to get in the middle of us and he said "oooh a threesome! i like it!" lol.
we took a normal one:

and then in true Kota fashion, we had to take a goofy one. and yes, he put our hands there. haha.
bad bad pic of me, but they're hot as ever! his face is like "what can i say? they love me!" lol.

Mo's Kota auto. they were both sad when they realized she left without it ;].

Kota's friend Virginia and her friend Alli [love them!] stopped by for a while and they said they liked my tats so of course i took an instant liking to them! lol that's not the reason...they are just really awesome! Virginia said that she hadnt talked to Kota in 5 months and i said "i'm so used to talking to him everyday and when i dont, i freak out. how in the heck did you go 5 months?" and she said "i know, right?!" Kota said "yall should totally find and add each other on myspace. you're both in my top friends." i asked for her display name and told her that mine changes like every 2 seconds and i didnt even remember what it was at the time. then i said "and besides i'm like 18 on his top friends and i doubt you wanna count that high to find me!" Kota said "oh hush. you're on there!" i was like "yes, sir." he went to take another break and i talked to Virginia and Alli the whole time. i told him that and he said he was proud of me again. Virginia and i got on the subject of jerk ex boyfriends and how we didnt need them and we tried to high five and Kota laughed and said "wow. yall totally missed" and i said "cause we're special like that!" and she said "darn right!" i asked him what he'd do if my ex was there and he said "kick him in the face." everyone knows Kota does not get angry easily and very rarely does he meet someone he doesnt like. well my ex fits both of those categories. it's really sweet though cause Kota hates him cause of the way he treated me and he's just looking out for me. everyone say aww! *squishes him*.

Jack took these and while i'm not in them [my camera bag made an appearance on the floor though ;)], i saved them cause i think they're cute and he said i was welcome to use any of his pics.

i told Kota that my sister had tried to take my lip ring out. he asked why and i said i was already tired of it and he said "told you. want me to take it out for you?" and then asked the jewelry people that he shared the booth with if they had any pliers to get the ring out with. i love Kota to death and i would do anything in the world for him and i know how much he hated the ring, but i wasnt gonna make him play around inside my mouth to take it out. i told him i'd get my sister to try again. he was like "you sure? cause i dont mind. i'll take it out right now". he kept saying that and i thanked him, but insisted that Joni do it.

he walked me out to the car and said "did i look nice today?" i was like "yeah of course!" we almost didnt take this pic cause he was tired and said he didnt wanna look sleepy in the pic. but i'm glad he said it was ok. i absolutely adore the silly pics, but this is probably my fave cause it's the sweetest. hugging bye on day 1:

i couldnt wait for day 2!

not as many details this time. Sunday was very bittersweet for me. Kota was sick :[ and was pretty quiet all day and Mo didnt come :/ and the con wasnt open as many hours. he said "i look bad today" so i smacked him on the head like he did to me the day before. but then i felt bad about it and apologized. he did not look horrible...his hair hair was all messy and he was freakin adorable! i had my sister, nephew and his friend with me for a little while. i had mentioned that Kota's a model, so when Coltin met him, he got confused and said "you look a role model". Kota was like "oh thank you sweetie. but if you think i'm a role model, then you need to find you a new one!" lol. Joni got the lip ring out the night before and i asked him if he noticed anything different and he noticed that it was gone and he was happy lol. had already printed out the pics from the day before [the only pics i have of the lip ring are with Kota...funny considering that he hated it, but anywho], he was looking through them and kept one out. he started looking through all his stuff and i asked him what he was looking for. he said "where's that Sharpie you let me use yesterday?" so i got it out for him and i didnt know what he was signing and then he gave me this. says "Thank you so much for this weekend! It was awesome! Love you always!"

no sweetheart....YOU made the weekend awesome!

it was getting time to go :[ and i said "i need to tell you something" and he said "i already know. you think i'm hot!" and i said "no" and he was like "fine! then i dont like you anymore!" and then turned his head all diva like lol. i said "i didnt mean it like that. you know i think you are. that's just not what i was gonna tell you." i thanked him again for everything he's done for me and he hugged me and said "thank you so much for helping. it was awesome getting to see you. love you sweetie!" i told him i loved him too and then i walked out to the car. i so did not wanna leave. idk if he noticed, but i was tearing up. the weekend was SO what i needed and i just didnt want it to be over. but it's all good cause my sister already promised to take me to the next one so i have that to look forward to :]. my mom told me to tell him hi for her and to thank him for taking care of me all weekend, so i went in to find him. he said "i'm gonna walk out with you." got to the car and i said "this is Karen, this is Kota". he was like "psh no!" and then hugged her and said "MOM!" lol. he bent down to talk to her and to give her a pep talk and a confidence boost like he has been giving me for 6 months. he said "omg you're beautiful! how could your ex husband leave you? he's an idiot and an ass. i'm so gonna marry you in 10 years!" so first he calls her mom and then he says he wants to marry her. so which one is it Kota? are you my brother or my stepdad? i'ma stick with brother! lol. then he told her what he always tells me "it's not what happens to you, it's how you handle it." and he gave her alot of other really amazing pieces of advice. he's seriously only 21? seriously? my mom was like o_O and she looked at me and said "i see what you mean about him now." i said "i told you he's amazing. dont know what i'd do without him. he's helped me more than i could ever say. i have alot to thank him for." he said "no sweetie. i just got you to the door. YOU are the one who opened it." wow. again...21...seriously?

saying bye on day 2 :[. hmm...i wonder whose idea this one was!

it was THE BEST weekend! it was SO AMAZING! i was SO glad to finally get to talk to him in person. and it was awesome getting to see Mo again and actually hang out after so long! I CANNOT WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN!!!

post con:
he's called my cell a few times to see how i'm doing and he's called to let me know when he's made it home safe from a trip cause he knows i worry. i was talking to him online like 2 days after and he said he was gonna call my home phone. i answered, but he didnt wanna talk to me, he wanted to talk to my mom. they talked for like half an hour and he made me leave the room cause he didnt want me to hear what they were talking about. i know bits and pieces, but like he said, it was personal, so i didnt really ask questions. i do know that when he got on the phone with her, he said "first of all, i love your daughter" and when he got off, he said "tell your daughter i love her and that i'll talk to her later." AWW!!!! one of the things in the gift i gave him was from my mom. he apologized and said he was an ahole for not thanking her for it first thing when he saw her. then he got back online and kept apologizing for getting off and for calling to talk to my mom. it was totally fine cause whatever he said to her made her day. and besides, i cant stay mad at him [not that i ever have been in the first place]. my mom thinks he's the most adorable and sweetest thing ever and the most uplifting, positive person she's ever met and she's right on all accounts. she said his words really stayed with her and i believe it cause they have def. stayed with me too...he gives really great advice :]. i said "you wanna adopt him, dont you?" she said "yes! i've always wanted a son!" so Kota is my adopted brother now and is really stuck with me now! lol poor kid! but he doesnt mind cause he obv. loves me or he wouldnt have put up with me this long!

i know i keep saying this, but it's true. you shine brigther than anyone. thank you again for EVERYthing! i could never ever repay you, but i will always be here for you, i will always have your back and dont you ever forget it! love you muchly dollface! cant wait to see you again! XOXOXOXOX Courtz

gabe loves my shirt, pics, friends, dallas con, jpad, kota is my squishy, kota is a sweetheart, supernatural, family, star wars, autos, jensen

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