(no subject)

Jun 16, 2007 00:54

got there about 2 hours early again. at 7, i went in to get my tix from will call and...he drove up during the 2 minutes that i was inside. figures! went to our seats soon after. i was in the front row behind the box seats in the balcony, right beside the sound guy. 2 rows in front of me were 2 people who looked really familiar. it was almost time to start and i still hadnt seen Danneel yet, when all of a sudden she walked up to them and yep, thats who i thought it was...Jensen's parents. they seemed like total sweethearts and smiled and hugged her when she walked up .she was walking to her seat, saw me, did a double take, backed up a little, smiled and said "hey!" she caught me off guard cause i wasnt expecting her to remember me. all i could come up with was a "hi." she sat in the row in front of me and i think the man and woman with her were her parents cause she sat in between them and she kinda looked like the woman. Jensen's parents and girlfriend sitting in front of me made me alot more nervous than it should have! i wanted to be able to ooh and ahh *silently of course* and drool at the pretty that is Jensen and it was hard to do with them right there! haha. Jensen's assistant walked up and said "hey family!" and handed them all a water. he gave Danneel a huge bag of Starbursts and she seemed really happy about that. she dressed up this time and she looked absolutely gorgeous. Jensen's assistant said something about one of Jensen's friends being there, some guy that plays bass or something. then he looked at his list and said that he had 75 people coming for him closing night. i saw Danneel looking at me a couple times and i dont know why she made me so nervous this time!

Jensen was [of course!] just as amazing on Saturday as he was on Thursday :). oh yeah, and just as hot too :P. everytime someone would laugh at something funny Jensen said, Danneel seemed really annoyed. but it could be because the girls behind us were obnoxious laughers. she esp. seemed annoyed when people laughed at the "i am sexually aroused right now. i'm not even kidding" part. i dunno, i mean i guess if i was Jensen's gf, i'd get annoyed at all the attention from other girls too. though what i find really shocking is that not very many people knew who she was. maybe it's cause she doesnt have the Rachel fiery hair color anymore? she's pretty either way, but i love the color it is now. after i took the pic with her on Thursday, some guy asked me who she was and had no idea what One Tree Hill was. even staring at the stage the whole time, i could still see her out of the corner of my eye. she kept twirling her hair and at one point, she put makeup on. i know she sees Jensen all the time and she was probably sick of seeing the play, but i dont know how someone could get bored with him in front you! but at least she came and supported him every night. right before he started singing at the end, he did the cutest hop/skip thing and sang "lift your head and lift it high, Daniel Kaffee's passing by". i LOVE his voice! *le sigh* when it was over, Jensen's dad was the first one to give a standing ovation. everyone say AWWW with me!

Ben(Sam) and "Dawson" came out again but didnt hang out with us as long as they did on Thursday night. "Jo" and "Kendrick" walked out together [they are dating irl] and took pics with people. she was like "oh thank you!" when someone told her she did an amazing job. she really really did!

Lou came out again and was totally nice. signed and took pics with anyone who wanted one. He signed an I Love Lucy purse, and started singing "Lucy got signed by Lou Diamond" to the tune of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". haha. at one point, i think i heard him say something about Jensen being taller than Tom Cruise.

i'm not gonna tell too much of what happened with Jensen at the stage door. most of it is there in the videos. this is not in order.
When Jensen came out, he said "get outta here! run baby run!" to Lou and then asked us how we were doing.
in my video, someone asked him for a hug and he said "i cant do that. it would start a domino effect!" haha so true. he had his own marker and he signed so much stuff, that it ran out of ink! he says it at the end of the clip.

the part in itallics is from _sin_attract's recap. thanks so much for letting me link your journal :).
And we were asking questions while he was signing. Like..."What is it like to say 'Sam' and have to look down?" And he mentioned Jared coming to the play and how it was a surprise and said that whenever he said "Sam", Jared would perk up and said, "just wait buddy, we'll get back to that soon enough pal." Someone also asked "what do you call the Metallicar?" and he replied, "we call it the third lead."
video part 1.

i knew if i didnt say something this time that i would kick myself later, so i just said "Jensen, can you look up and smile?" he was signing something at the time and he said "if i did that, then i would write all over my face but whatever!" OMG it was TOO precious for words! you can hear it in the 2nd clip, the 8:00 one here.
when the question first got asked about what it was like saying Sam but looking down, he said "what's that? i didnt hear that". she repeated it and he laughed. his face lit up when he was talking about Jared. he got all excited and was like "Jared was here a few nights ago!" he even reinacted Jared "perking up". omg it was just THE cutest thing ever! while talking about Metallicar, someone said they love that car and he said "so do i. i might just drive off with that one day. yeah, i've done it a few times". and when S3 was brought up, he said "i cant wait. i'm excited. we start filming in a month. S3 is gonna be good. you're gonna love it!"YAY!
two ladies said "he's so cute, I'm gonna have to start watching that Supernatural show." He was happy when he heard that exclaiming "YES! pulling more fans, we need all the viewers we can get."
thanks alot to agt_spooky for letting me link to your journal :). stage door video. my voice is at the end of both videos. all i said was "thank you so much" but i'm glad that someone got my voice in there somewhere :). it makes it all the more real to me that i was actually there!
the part in itallics is from her recap:
someone asked him why he chose to do a play, and he answered, "I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to take on something I was completely uncomfortable with, shake it up, to remind myself what I'm actually doing. And I did it."
someone asked him "did you miss the texas weather?" he said "this is ok, but in 2 months, it's gonna be miserable!" he is sooo right.

someone asked him what he was gonna do after this and he said "i've got 2 more performances and then i'm gonna sleep for a month!"
at the end, he quadrupled checked and made sure everyone was "good" and then told us to go home and get some sleep :). SO cute! seriously. watch the videos...it's adorable! and he thanked US a million times...SUCH a sweetie! everyone was so calm and behaved themselves. THANK GOD for that!
he got in his car and my mom waved at him and he smiled and waved back :).

PICTURES! i apologize for the tags but i had to put them on there since that one girl has been selling stage door pics on ebay. that is so not cool. if anyone is wondering about why it says unregistered at the bottom of them, it's cause i'm using a free trial. i will most likely buy it though when it runs out since i am a picture whore esp. at my specialty concerts :). yes i took a ton of pics, but who knows if i will ever get another opportunity like this so i took advantage of it!

OMG how ADORABLE is he with his backpack? *giggles*.

when he first came out :). Happy Jensen!


did anyone else notice that Chris looked frightened the whole time?

how cute is he when he smiles?!

he looks annoyed here [but still hot!]

shaking someone's hand...lucky witch! lol




fangirls! run!

my favorite. you should see it as a glossy. soooooooooooooo hot :P.



nope, not yet!


LOL thanks alot to isisfrog for these :). you can see my Scribble Man and Poison tat in this one [thats how i knew it was me] haha. it looks like the girl with the glasses and her hair pulled back is attached to my arm, but that's not me. my hair is darker and i actually had my hair down the whole night.

and here is my hand and my camera.

went to eat the next day and guess what was staring at me at the counter?! a pic of Jensen and Lou in the Star Telegram! made me way giddy and since i'm a weekly regular at the restaurant and am on a first name basis with most of the staff, i asked if i could take it and they let me :).

went to get my pics printed out and this lady [she was about 60 i'm guessing] leaned over and said "who's that? is that your boyfriend?" i laughed and said "i wish!" she said "well i was gonna say, he's FINE!" LOL. i had a pic of him on my computer a while back and my grandma walked by and said "he's cute!" i went over to my grandparents house and wanted to show her these pics since she thought he was cute then. she said the same thing the lady at the store said. "is that your boyfriend?" i said "do you think he's cute?" she said "YEAH he's very good looking!" hahaha. btw, my grandma is 82 and hardly compliments anyone, ever! during the signing, my mom kept looking at me and making 'oh' faces. yes yes, he is THAT hot in person! and the fact that he is an absolute sweetheart and an incredibly gifted and talented actor makes him even hotter! my mom has been raving about how awesome his performances were all week! as for me...i'm still in shock that i actually saw the amazing JENSEN ACKLES in person! twice! it's easy to see your fave band live/in person, but it's not everyday you get to see your fave actor! much less meet him! the whole experience was so surreal! so so so so so amazing! nothing like seeing him in his element! he was born to do this!

every Saturday, i go to Camp Bowie which is 5 miles from Casa Manana. i'm gonna think of Jensen and smile everytime i go down there. i'm so tempted to see if his parking space is still there. haha.

pics, vids, jpad, afgm, mng, supernatural, jensen, oth

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